Разделы презентаций

1-minute cartoon about love!

Write St.Valentine’s cards : What I Like About You

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 11-minute cartoon about love!

1-minute cartoon about love!

Слайд 2Write St.Valentine’s cards :
What I Like About You

Write St.Valentine’s cards : What I Like About You

Слайд 5Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в четверг/пятницу 7(8).02.2019.
Сделать на

вторник/среду 12(13).02.19!
Before doing the H.T, write the tasks into your


1. Learn how to describe the picture
2. Progress test 1,2 (Compact PET)
3. PET listening: w.b: Page_00035
Extra H.T: ОГЭ-вар.5(+listening+letter)
Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в четверг/пятницу 7(8).02.2019. Сделать на вторник/среду 12(13).02.19!Before doing the H.T, write the

Слайд 8Learn how to describe the picture:
Check in pairs!

Learn how to describe the picture:Check in pairs!

Слайд 9Learn how to describe the picture:
Check in pairs!

Learn how to describe the picture:Check in pairs!

Слайд 11Three students are coming to the board and discussing the

While the others are having discussions in their places

in pairs.
Three students are coming to the board and discussing the topic. While the others are having discussions

Слайд 12Three students are coming to the board and discussing the

While the others are having discussions in their places

in pairs.

What help does your grandfather need most?

Three students are coming to the board and discussing the topic. While the others are having discussions

Слайд 13Three students are coming to the board and discussing the

While the others are having discussions in their places

in pairs.
Three students are coming to the board and discussing the topic. While the others are having discussions

Слайд 14Three students are coming to the board and discussing the

While the others are having discussions in their places

in pairs.
Three students are coming to the board and discussing the topic. While the others are having discussions

Слайд 18How do you like my favourite film?

How do you like my favourite film?

Слайд 20Answers to Passive exercises:

Answers to Passive exercises:

Слайд 23 “Штирлицы”
Для участия приглашается одна девушка.
Юноши-участники должны внимательно посмотреть на нее

и запомнить,
во что она одета, во всех подробностях. Потом девушка выходит и меняет

или несколько деталей в своем облике, например, снимает серьги…
Задача юношей — определить, что изменилось. А затем наоборот!
 “Штирлицы”Для участия приглашается одна девушка. Юноши-участники должны внимательно посмотреть на нее и запомнить, во что она одета, во всех подробностях. Потом

Слайд 24In the early 1970s, Mercury had a long-term relationship with

Mary Austin. In December 1976, Mercury told Austin of his

sexuality, which ended their romantic relationship. Mercury moved out of the flat they shared and bought Austin a place of her own nearby. They remained close friends through the years, with Mercury often referring to her as his only true friend. In a 1985 interview, Mercury said of Austin, "The only friend I've got is Mary, and I don't want anybody else. To me, she was my common-law wife. To me, it was a marriage. We believe in each other, that's enough for me." He also wrote several songs about Austin, the most notable of which is "Love of My Life".

Freddie Mercury and his love for all his life

In the early 1970s, Mercury had a long-term relationship with Mary Austin. In December 1976, Mercury told

Слайд 25Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в вторник/среду 12(13).02.19. Сделать на

четверг/пятницу 14 (15).02.19!

1.Passive -exam (2)
2. Learn Environment vocabulary (Write out

all the examples!)
3. Learn ALL TENSES Easily in 30min(Write out all the examples!)

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в вторник/среду 12(13).02.19. Сделать на четверг/пятницу 14 (15).02.19!1.Passive -exam (2)2. Learn Environment

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