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Assimilation takes place when a sound changes its character in order to become more like a neighbouring sound.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Assimilation


Слайд 2Assimilation takes place when a sound changes its character in

order to become more like a neighbouring sound.

Assimilation takes place when a sound changes its character in order to become more like a neighbouring

Слайд 3Direction of Assimilation


reciprocal (double)

Direction of Assimilationprogressiveregressivereciprocal (double)

Слайд 4pen ? pens


pen ? pens/’penz/

Слайд 5in them

/in ðem/

in them/in ðem/

Слайд 6tree

/t r i: /

tree/t r i: /

Слайд 7Degree of Completeness


Degree of Completenesscompleteincomplete

Слайд 8cupboard

/’kʌpbəd > ’kʌbəd/

cupboard/’kʌpbəd > ’kʌbəd/

Слайд 9plays



Слайд 10Degree of Stability


Degree of Stabilityhistoricalnon-obligatory

Слайд 11orchard (ort+yard)


orchard (ort+yard)/'ɔːtjəd>'ɔːʧəd/

Слайд 12ten girls

/ten gɜːlz > teŋ gɜːlz /

ten girls/ten gɜːlz > teŋ gɜːlz /

Слайд 13Changes in the manner of articulation
Loss of plosion
plosive + plosive

(e.g. lamp post)

Nasal plosion
plosive + /m, n/ (e.g. button)

Lateral plosion

+ /l/ (e.g. candle)
Changes in the manner of articulationLoss of plosionplosive + plosive (e.g. lamp post)Nasal plosionplosive + /m, n/

Слайд 141. Labialization - /t, d, k, g/ + /w/

lips are rounded

2. Alveolar ? dental - /t, d, s, z l, r, n,/ + /ð, θ/

3. Alveolar ? post-alveolar - /t, d, n, l/ + /r/

Bilabial ? labio-dental - /p, b, m/ + /f,v/

Alveolar ? palato-alveolar /t, d/ + /j/

Post-alveolar ? alveolar

Changes in the place of articulation


1. Labialization - /t, d, k, g/ + /w/

Слайд 15Alveolar ? bilabial
that pen [ðӕp pen]; ten men [tem


Alveolar ? backlingual
ten cups [teη kʌps]; good concert [gʊg konsət]


? palato-alveolar
this judge [ðis ʤʌʤ] → [ðiʃ ʤʌʤ]
this shop [ðis ʃop] → [ðiʃ ʃop]

Changes in the place of articulation


Alveolar ? bilabial that pen [ðӕp pen]; ten men [tem men]Alveolar ? backlingualten cups [teη kʌps]; good

Слайд 16Voicing and devoicing
/m, n, l, w, r, j/ become partially

devoiced after voiceless /s, p, t, k, f, ʃ, θ/


voicing and devoicing of the possessive suffix –’s/’s’, the plural suffix –(e)s and the third person singulat

voicing and devoicing of the suffix -ed
Voicing and devoicing1./m, n, l, w, r, j/ become partially devoiced after voiceless /s, p, t, k,

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