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Absurdity in English and Russian literature

«Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality».—Lewis Carroll

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Слайд 1Absurdity in English and Russian literature
(Название английского клуба + участник


Absurdity in English and Russian literature(Название английского клуба + участник добавить)

Слайд 2«Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality».


«Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality».—Lewis Carroll

Слайд 3The literature of the absurd
The literature of the absurd is

a leitmotif in literature, a characteristic feature of which is

the demonstration of meaninglessness, paradox, absurdity and even comicism of habitual life conventions, rules and laws, through the use of logical meanings, descriptions of the mechanistic nature, aimlessness of human existence, exposing misunderstandings between individuals and society.

Daniel Harms

The literature of the absurdThe literature of the absurd is a leitmotif in literature, a characteristic feature

Слайд 4The literature of the absurd
The crisis of spirituality,

Cultural values,
Totalitarianism of the state as such,
An ontology

internal and not associated with supra-individual or ideal.

The literature of the absurd Psychology, Society, The crisis of spirituality, Cultural values, Totalitarianism of the state as

Слайд 5History of occurrence
The beginning of the 20th century went down

in the history of world literature as the period of

the emergence of the so-called literature of the absurd, which most often refers to the direction in European literature, represented by such names as A. Camus, J.-P. Sartre, F. Kafka, S. Becket and others.
History of occurrenceThe beginning of the 20th century went down in the history of world literature as

Слайд 6History of occurrence
At the present stage of the development of

science, the literature of the absurd continues to attract the

attention of researchers. At the same time, not only specific poetics, but also the worldview foundations of literary absurdism, which, accordingly, determine the artistic poetics of this phenomenon, are in the field of view of literary critics.
History of occurrenceAt the present stage of the development of science, the literature of the absurd continues

Слайд 7Absurdity! I do not understand you
To understand this style, a

person must immerse himself in psychology. Many of the images

and thoughts that the author conveys can be adopted in different ways. The literature of the absurdity describes the world as devoid of any causal relationship.
Absurdity! I do not understand youTo understand this style, a person must immerse himself in psychology. Many

Слайд 8Absurdity! I do not understand you
However, one of the problems

of studying this phenomenon is the question of terminology. Absurdity,

paradox, nonsense, nonsense are related, but not identical concepts, and therefore require a more in-depth analysis in order to differentiate.
Absurdity! I do not understand youHowever, one of the problems of studying this phenomenon is the question

Слайд 9"All wisdom is good if anyone understands it. Misunderstood wisdom

can become dusty."
-Daniel Harms

Слайд 10The main representatives of the style of "Absurdity"
Oberiuts (Daniil Harms,

Alexander Vvedensky, Nikolai Oleinikov) are considered the founders of absurdism

in literature. In their manifesto they declared: “Who are we? And why are we? .. We are poets of a new world view and new art ... "

Philosophically, the literature of the absurd is closest to existentialism, but its first sources are still observed in the works of Anton Chekhov.

The main representatives of the style of

Слайд 11The main representatives of the style of "Absurdity"
The most famous

representatives of English literature are absurd Franz Kafka, Samuel Becket

and Eugene Ionesco.
The main representatives of the style of

Слайд 12Comparison of the absurd in English and Russian literature:
In Russia

and England, the style of absurdity developed in parallel. Each

representative of this direction introduced new concepts and ways of expressing language, thoughts, words. Let us consider in more detail the literature of the absurd in Russia and England and compare the characteristics of each country:
Comparison of the absurd in English and Russian literature:In Russia and England, the style of absurdity developed

Слайд 13Comparison of the absurd in English and Russian literature:
So, the

main artistic principles of the poetics of the Oberiuts reflected

in their manifesto are:
Destruction of objects and actions,
Their randomization,
Alogism of images,
Grotesque worldview,
Paradox and eccentricity.
Comparison of the absurd in English and Russian literature:So, the main artistic principles of the poetics of

Слайд 14Comparison of the absurd in English and Russian literature:
The poet

postulates that the only truth that is given to man

is aging and despair. The only faith is absurdity. Everything else is shaky and unstable. Even the past turns into the future, and the future into the past. Absurd consciousness affirms the existence of God.
Comparison of the absurd in English and Russian literature:The poet postulates that the only truth that is

Слайд 15English literature of the absurd
Speaking about the English literature of

the absurd, it is worth noting that the classics of

the genre of absurd poetry are considered JI. Carroll and E. Lear, whose works are directly related to fine art.
English literature of the absurdSpeaking about the English literature of the absurd, it is worth noting that

Слайд 16English literature of the absurd
The writer Lewis Carroll was a

delightful friend of the children for whom he created incomparable

stories and poems. One of the most famous works of Lewis Carroll: "Alice in Wonderland." Books about Alice initially caused a flurry of criticism. "Rave!" - authoritative literary critics spoke about them.
English literature of the absurdThe writer Lewis Carroll was a delightful friend of the children for whom

Слайд 17-You just have little experience, said the Queen. - At your

age, I spent half an hour every day! On other

days, I managed to believe in a dozen impossibilities before breakfast!
-You just have little experience, said the Queen. - At your age, I spent half an hour

Слайд 18Theater of the absurd
The theater of the absurd is a

type of modern drama based on the idea of the

total alienation of man in the world and society. The first such plays appeared in the early 1950s in France. Later, the direction covered all of Western Europe and the United States. Criticism of that time as soon as it did not call this new round of drama - “antitheater”, “paradox theater”, “absurd theater”.
Theater of the absurdThe theater of the absurd is a type of modern drama based on the

Слайд 19Theater of the absurd
Theater actors create productions based on the

works of “absurdists” and playwrights, such as Alfred Jarry (“King

Ubyu”, “Night Blindness”), Guy Apollinaire (“Tiresia's Nipples”), Samuel Becket (“Waiting for Godot”).

«Waiting for Godot”

Theater of the absurdTheater actors create productions based on the works of “absurdists” and playwrights, such as

Слайд 20Cunclusion
Absurdity is a new phenomenon for man. A vision of

something unreal and magical, a person is not used to

seeing strange images. The influence of the literature of the absurd on our development helps determine what we want from life, solve and forget all the problems, and begin enlightenment in a new art form. However, not everyone can perceive this type, since most of the world still lives according to generally accepted principles. And the introduction of the new seems strange and silly to us.
CunclusionAbsurdity is a new phenomenon for man. A vision of something unreal and magical, a person is

Слайд 21"Nobody wants to love an ordinary person in us."

Pavlovich Chekhov

Слайд 22Thank you for attention! Never be afraid to be weird!

Thank you for attention! Never be afraid to be weird!

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