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Advantages and disadvantages of living in a city 659 Borisov Andrew E-mail:

AdvantagesdisadvantagesMeasuresTransportTransport facilitiesTraffic jamsWe should make roads wider, use bicycles, and open more metro lines.Education should be free.EducationMany schools and universitiesExpensive educationConveniences--People can lead a comfortable lifeEconomyThe state should reduce prices or

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Advantages and disadvantages of living in a city
Borisov Andrew


Advantages and disadvantages of living in a city659 Borisov AndrewE-mail: proroc98@gmail.com

Слайд 2Advantages
Transport facilities
Traffic jams
We should make roads wider, use bicycles, and

open more metro lines.
Education should be free.
Many schools and universities





People can lead a comfortable life


The state should reduce prices or increase wages.

Most food products and goods are expensive

Many shops, banks and hotels

Healthy lifestyle

We need to do sports and plant more trees.

It’s hard to lead a healthy lifestyle because environment is polluted

Many gyms

AdvantagesdisadvantagesMeasuresTransportTransport facilitiesTraffic jamsWe should make roads wider, use bicycles, and open more metro lines.Education should be free.EducationMany

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