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All About England In The ABC

Albion (Greek: Ἀλβιών) is the oldest known name of the island of Great Britain. It is thought to derive from the white cliffs of Dover. Today, it is still

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Слайд 1All About England
In The ABC

All About England In The ABC

Слайд 2 Albion (Greek: Ἀλβιών) is the oldest known name

of the island of Great Britain. It is thought to

derive from the white cliffs of Dover. Today, it is still sometimes used poetically to refer to the island or (incorrectly) England in particular.

A - Albion

Albion (Greek: Ἀλβιών) is the oldest known name of the island of Great Britain. It

Слайд 3 It has been said that the English are

a nation of animal lovers. In support of that idea,

attention is drawn to the many laws and organisations which exist here to protect animals. The most well known and widely respected is the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

A - Animals

It has been said that the English are a nation of animal lovers. In support

Слайд 4 The British Broadcasting Corporation is the longest established

and largest broadcaster in the world. The BBC is a

publicly owned corporation that operates under a Royal Charter issued by the British Crown. The BBC's main responsibility is to provide public service radio, television and internet broadcasting.


The British Broadcasting Corporation is the longest established and largest broadcaster in the world. The

Слайд 5 The Clock Tower called “Big Ben”, is known

the world over. The name Big Ben actually refers not

to the clock-tower itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within. The bell was named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall.

B - Big Ben

The Clock Tower called “Big Ben”, is known the world over. The name Big Ben

Слайд 6 Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of

the British monarch. Located in the City of Westminster, the

palace is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality.

B - Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch. Located in the City

Слайд 7 The University of Cambridge is the second oldest

university in the English-speaking world. The university grew out of

an association of scholars that was formed in 1209 by scholars leaving Oxford after a dispute with townsfolk there. The two "ancient universities" have many common features and are often jointly referred to as Oxbridge.

C - Cambridge University

The University of Cambridge is the second oldest university in the English-speaking world. The university

Слайд 8 Cricket is a bat-and-ball team sport that is

first documented as being played in southern England in the

16th century. By the end of the 18th century, cricket had developed to the point where it had become the national sport of England.

C - Cricket

Cricket is a bat-and-ball team sport that is first documented as being played in southern

Слайд 9 A double-decker bus is a bus that has

two levels or 'decks'. They are in common use throughout

the United Kingdom. The red double-decker buses in London have become an icon of Britain.

D - Double-Decker Bus

A double-decker bus is a bus that has two levels or 'decks'. They are in

Слайд 10 It is the piece of water between France

and England. It is about 560 km (350 mi) long and varies

in width from 240 km (150 mi) at its widest, to only 34 km (21 mi) in the Strait of Dover. At 37.9 kilometers (23.5 mi), the Channel Tunnel has the longest undersea portion of any tunnel in the world.

E - English Channel

It is the piece of water between France and England. It is about 560 km (350 mi)

Слайд 11 Fish and chips is a popular take-away food

that originated in 1858 or 1863. It consists of deep-fried

fish (traditionally cod, haddock or flounder) in batter or breadcrumbs with deep-fried chipped (slab-cut) potatoes. The dish became popular in wider circles in London and South East England in the middle of the 19th century.

F - Fish and Chips

Fish and chips is a popular take-away food that originated in 1858 or 1863. It

Слайд 12 November 5th when people light fireworks and burn

a guy on a bonfire. This is in memory of

the time when Guy Fawkes tried to destroy Parliament in London in 1605.

G - Guy Fawkes’ Night

November 5th when people light fireworks and burn a guy on a bonfire. This is

Слайд 13 The night of October 31 when it was

formerly believed that the spirits of the dead appeared. Children

make jack-o’-lanterns: candles are put inside hollow pumpkins which have holes cut into them in the shape of eyes and a mouth.

H - Halloween

The night of October 31 when it was formerly believed that the spirits of the

Слайд 14 England is situated on the British Isles. The

British Isles are a group of islands off the northwest

coast of continental Europe.

I - Isles

England is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles are a group of islands

Слайд 15 Jaguar Cars Ltd., better known simply as Jaguar

is a British luxury car manufacturer, headquartered in Coventry, England.

Founded as the Swallow Sidecar Company in 1922, by two motorcycle enthusiasts, Sir William Lyons and William Walmsley.

J - Jaguar

Jaguar Cars Ltd., better known simply as Jaguar is a British luxury car manufacturer, headquartered

Слайд 16 Be careful when you cross the street in

England, because the traffic keeps to the left, and not

to the right as in European countries. When you want to cross the street, look first to the right and then to the left.

K - Keep Left

Be careful when you cross the street in England, because the traffic keeps to the

Слайд 17 The lion, the “King of beasts”, has been

used as a symbol of national strength and of the

British monarchy for many centuries.

L - Lion

The lion, the “King of beasts”, has been used as a symbol of national strength

Слайд 18 London is the capital of the UK. It

is situated upon both banks of the River Thames. Its

population is about 7 million people. The Romans founded it more than 2000 years ago. Now London is really a precious stone of the British Crown.

L - London

London is the capital of the UK. It is situated upon both banks of the

Слайд 19 This football club was formed in 1878. Manchester

United are the reigning English champions, having won the 2008–09

Premier League. The club is
one of the most successful in the history of English football and has won 22 major honours since Alex Ferguson became manager in November 1986.

M - Manchester United F.C.

This football club was formed in 1878. Manchester United are the reigning English champions, having

Слайд 20 The term nursery rhyme is used for ‘traditional’

songs for young children in England. In the early nineteenth

century printed collections of rhymes began to spread to other countries.

N - Nursery Rhymes

The term nursery rhyme is used for ‘traditional’ songs for young children in England. In

Слайд 21 One of the oldest and most highly regarded

English universities. Oxford University is a group of independent colleges,

they are 34 now. The University was created in the first years of the 13th century.

O - Oxford University

One of the oldest and most highly regarded English universities. Oxford University is a group

Слайд 22 Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Parliament represents the

legislative branch. It has existed since 1265. Having been organized

in the reign of King Edward I, it is the oldest parliament in the world. Parliament consists of two chambers or houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

P - Parliament

Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Parliament represents the legislative branch. It has existed since 1265.

Слайд 23 It is a monetary unit circulating in England.

In 1971 Britain changed over to decimal currency system –

100 new pence to the pound (£).

P - Pound

It is a monetary unit circulating in England. In 1971 Britain changed over to decimal

Слайд 24 The word pub is short for public house.

Pubs are important part of English life. People talk, eat,

drink, meet their friends and relax there. Most pubs are open from 11 to 11. They have traditional names which date back over 600 years.

P - Pubs

The word pub is short for public house. Pubs are important part of English life.

Слайд 25 The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The official

head of the state is the king or the queen.

But the country is actually run by the government, led by the Prime Minister. The present Queen is Elisabeth II. She was born on April 21, 1926. The Queen lives at Buckingham Palace.

Q - Queen

The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The official head of the state is the king

Слайд 26 The red rose is the national symbol of

England. It is connected with the history of the country.

The Wars of the Roses were the wars within the country (the 15th century). The Duke of Lancaster (his emblem was the red rose) won, so the emblem of England became the red rose.

R - Red Rose

The red rose is the national symbol of England. It is connected with the history

Слайд 27 Soccer is more commonly known as football. The

modern game was codified in England following the formation of

The Football Association, whose 1863 Laws of the Game created the foundations for the way the sport is played today. The England national football team is the joint oldest in the world.

S - Soccer

Soccer is more commonly known as football. The modern game was codified in England following

Слайд 28 Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric monument in

England. It is located in the middle of Salisbury Plain,

to the northwest of Southampton. Even now, nearly 4000 years after it was built, large numbers of tourists come to see it.

S - Stonehenge

Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric monument in England. It is located in the middle

Слайд 29 England is a tea-drinking nation. The most English

like their tea strong and dark, but with a lot

of milk. Afternoon Tea is a light meal typically eaten between 3 pm and 5 pm. High Tea (also known as meat tea) is an early evening meal, typically eaten between 5pm and 6pm.

T - Tea

England is a tea-drinking nation. The most English like their tea strong and dark, but

Слайд 30 In comparison with major rivers of the world,

the Thames is a very small river. It has a

total length of just 346 km (215 miles) and is the longest river wholly in England. The Thames flows through London, the capital city, and has played a central role in British history for some 2000 years.

T - Thames

In comparison with major rivers of the world, the Thames is a very small river.

Слайд 31 England is a country that is a part

of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and unitary state consisting of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

U - United Kingdom

England is a country that is a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

Слайд 32 An archaeological museum in York dealing with the

Saxon period (600-1066). The visitors of the museum are carried

in “time cars” through a vivid recreations of York as a part and trading centre under the Danish kings.

V - Viking Centre

An archaeological museum in York dealing with the Saxon period (600-1066). The visitors of the

Слайд 33 The weather in England changes very quickly. One

day may be fine and the next day may be

cold or rainy. That is why the English say, “Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather.” People talk about the weather more here than in the most parts of the world.

W - Weather

The weather in England changes very quickly. One day may be fine and the next

Слайд 34 An important tennis competition which takes place every

summer in the part of London called Wimbledon. It is

considered to be typically English and rather old-fashioned and is an important social occasion.

W - Wimbledon

An important tennis competition which takes place every summer in the part of London called

Слайд 35 Xmas is abbrev. for Christmas, a Christian holiday

commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on

December 25. It is very popular in England.

X - Xmas

Xmas is abbrev. for Christmas, a Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It

Слайд 36 Yorkshire pudding is a dish that originated in

Yorkshire, England, and has attained wide popularity. It is made

from batter and most often served with roast beef, chicken, or any meal in which there is gravy.

Y - Yorkshire Pudding

Yorkshire pudding is a dish that originated in Yorkshire, England, and has attained wide popularity.

Слайд 37 London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo.

It was opened in London on April 27, 1828. Today

it houses a collection of 755 species of animals, with 15,104 individuals, making it one of the largest collections in the United Kingdom.

Z - Zoo

London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo. It was opened in London on April

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