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Англ словарь в картинках


ОглавлениеМестоименияОтрицательныеНеопределённыеВопросительныеПредлоги места движенияВремениВремя - частотаTime –выраженияГлаголы действияЕщёCome Get Take Give LookЧасти телаОдеждаМебель ПосудаКомнаты в домеКанцтоварыЦвета

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Англ словарь в картинках
Суханов Игорь Иванович
составил этот словарь для своих

внуков Миши и Маши

Англ словарь в картинкахСуханов Игорь Ивановичсоставил этот словарь для своих внуков Миши и Маши

Слайд 2Оглавление
Время - частота
Time –выражения
Глаголы действия
Come Get

Take Give Look
Части тела
Комнаты в доме

ОглавлениеМестоименияОтрицательныеНеопределённыеВопросительныеПредлоги места движенияВремениВремя - частотаTime –выраженияГлаголы действияЕщёCome  Get  Take  Give  LookЧасти телаОдеждаМебель ПосудаКомнаты

Слайд 3Местоимения


Слайд 4Местоимения отрицательные

Местоимения отрицательные

Слайд 5Местоимения неопределённые

Местоимения неопределённые

Слайд 6Вопросительные слова

Вопросительные слова

Слайд 7Предлоги и наречия места
Далеко от
Rear, in the back of

Предлоги и наречия местаДалеко отdownRear, in the back of

Слайд 8Предлоги и наречия движения

Предлоги и наречия движения

Слайд 9Предлоги времени

Предлоги времени

Слайд 10Время - частота

Время - частотаAlwaysвсегда

Слайд 11Time - фразы

Time - фразы

Слайд 12Глаголы действия

Глаголы действия

Слайд 13Глаголы действия - 2
knock [nok]
beat [bi:t]

Глаголы действия - 2knock [nok]beat [bi:t]

Слайд 19Свойства, величина
Big, large
Small [smo:l]
High [hai]
Tall [to:l]
Heavy [hevi]
Light [lait]

Свойства, величинаБольшойBig, largeМаленькийSmall [smo:l]littleШирокийwideУзкийNarrowСтрелаarrowВысокийHigh [hai]Tall [to:l]НизкийLowДлинныйlongКороткийshortТяжёлыйHeavy [hevi]ЛёгкийLight [lait]

Слайд 20Сравнительная степень
Smallest smaller

bigger biggest

[smolə] [bigist]
Наименьший меньше больше наибольший
Easiest Easier Easy Heavy Heavier Heaviest
[i:zist] [i:zie] [i:zi]
Lazest Lazier lazy Busy Busier Busest
At least less more at most, mostly
По меньшей мере меньше больше по большей части
Сравнительная степеньSmallest    smaller     bigger      biggest[smo:list]

Слайд 21Части тела

Части тела

Слайд 22Одежда


Слайд 23Мебель


Слайд 24Посуда


Слайд 25Комнаты в доме

Комнаты в доме

Слайд 26Канцтовары


Слайд 27Цвета


Слайд 28Глаголы действия, одежда, мебель Present + Past Indefinite + Passive

They crawled under the beam and found themselves in a

dark hallway leading to his bedroom.
Вдоль коридора расставлены стулья, на которых можно было сидеть и ждать приглашения врача войти в его кабинет.
He heard the clanging of the ambulance while he was in the bathroom and washed up.
Вечером все любили собираться в большой столовой, рассаживаться, кто где хотел, за столом или в креслах у окна, и рассказывать, что случилось с каждым из них в течение дня.

Глаголы действия, одежда, мебель  Present + Past Indefinite + Passive VoiceThey crawled under the beam and

Слайд 29«Я умею прыгать через лужи» - так называется книга о

мальчике, у которого болели ноги.
She was still angry on account

of her feet’s pain after skating.
The three children walked on tiptoe, and they did not speak for fear of the echoes from the walls of the empty house.

«Я умею прыгать через лужи» - так называется книга о мальчике, у которого болели ноги.She was still

Слайд 30Yes, up there somewhere, between the points of light so

pure and unearthly; what was it about the night sky?

were two great craters in the road, and three more beside it among the trees.
A good many of you are in here because you could not adjust to the rules of society in the Outside World, because you didn’t want to face up to them, because you tried to jump over them.
I rushed across the room, and dropped some chairs.
Yes, up there somewhere, between the points of light so pure and unearthly; what was it about

Слайд 31I mean, is that where they keep the toothpaste?
"I know.

NASA prefers to keep the good news to themselves for

a while.“
The windows were closed fast, and the room was almost wet from the great flat pans of water she ordered be put in every inconspicuous corner to keep her skin youthful.
She brushed her hair, tiptoed past her father's room, and went downstairs.
I mean, is that where they keep the toothpaste?

Слайд 32But shortly after that, NASA held a press conference announcing

they had come up with a work-around-some sort of patch

for the software.
Но вскоре после этого проведена встреча с абитуриентами, на которой университет сообщил, что он придумал кое-какие поправки в правила приёма.
He told me the key opened a box where he kept many secrets.
Он дал мне совет, открывший мне новые возможности в делах, где пряталось много секретов.

But shortly after that, NASA held a press conference announcing they had come up with a work-around-some

Слайд 33How did they order marmalade and where was it kept?

хранилась эта курица, перед тем как её заказали ?
During this

time I rarely saw Prof and never in public; we kept touch by phone
В течение всего лета я часто видел Петю, мы лишь изредка поддерживали связь СМС-ками.

How did they order marmalade and where was it kept?Где хранилась эта курица, перед тем как её

Слайд 34He didn't merely see; he knew. He carried each of

us in his mind and one of us was gone.

And that was good enough.
Постоянно держать правила в сознании – непростое дело, я это всегда знал.
Rolling knew that she was the most fashionable woman in Europe and, apart from that, he really liked her.
Я знал, что Физтех – самый известный физический вуз в России и, кроме того, он располагался поблизости.

He didn't merely see; he knew. He carried each of us in his mind and one of

Слайд 35It was evening when I arrived, much fatigued by the

journey I had so often made so easily.
Было уже раннее

утро, когда поезд подошёл к станции, а я спал, измученный поездкой, которые я совершал так часто и так легко.
But if he made electric power, could he sell that or use it? And to convert into oil was as yet too costly and too elaborate.
Можно ли этот ящик переделать, чтобы держать в нём игрушки? Или это дорого и сложно?

It was evening when I arrived, much fatigued by the journey I had so often made so

Слайд 36If she met herself she would surely not see much

difference from this mirror image.
Я встретил вас, и всё прошлое

действительно ожило. И я увидел себя как в зеркале.
At Gaylord's, too, you met the simple stonemason, Enrique Lister from Galicia, who now commanded a division and who talked Russian, too.
In fact, only one other Sunnydale student met our criteria
Вспомни, много ли учеников соответствовали требованиям ЕГЭ?

If she met herself she would surely not see much difference from this mirror image.Я встретил вас,

Слайд 37Gerard said slowly: "I do not think that Miss King

paid much attention to that point. She did not, I

presume, think it of any importance.“
Мой друг, не обращай внимание на это обстоятельство. Я полагаю, оно не имеет большого значения.

Gerard said slowly:

Слайд 38He always put it back in the wrong place, too,

when he was finished.
Он положил книгу на полку, поправил стул

возле кровати и вышел из комнаты.
"Put on green branches," said Maurice. "That's the best way to make smoke.«
I didn't put my hands on her shoulders again or anything because if I had she really would've beat it on me.

He always put it back in the wrong place, too, when he was finished.Он положил книгу на

Слайд 39But when this here happened, we couldn't put it off

no longer then.
"Oh, that's quite all right," said Miss Marple

immediately, "because, you see, I wasn't really quite ready then to put all my cards on the table.
He put announcements in magazines warning the public that there were only sixty days left to send in five dollars, that after that it would be too late.
Он публиковал объявления еженедельно, однако откликов не было, за исключением ошибочных.
But when this here happened, we couldn't put it off no longer then.

Слайд 40Between the bulletins he worried about the news, and read

every paper he could lay his hands on till it

was time to turn the wireless on again.
At the end she read what she had put down, placed all the sheets together, folded them and slid them into an envelope, the back of which she sealed with red wax.
Kate managed to run away from the school three times, and each time she was caught and brought back, unrepentant.
Он обежал весь дом, и внизу, и наверху, заглядывал под столы и под кровати, но собаки нигде не было.
You can go into the market and buy his stocks. I wouldn't be surprised if he would run to you and ask you to take them.

Between the bulletins he worried about the news, and read every paper he could lay his hands

Слайд 41But now his excitement had reached such a degree that

he was impatient to run the whole of that distance

at once, without stopping for breath.
'But you just said you liked it. And now you say you have no feelings toward it either way.
In the meantime, I have terminated all contact with said student, and intend to continue this course of action.
Scarlett, give her some money and see that she's gone before I come down stairs.
But now his excitement had reached such a degree that he was impatient to run the whole

Слайд 42It gave her a great deal of satisfaction to see

the disappointment that was clearly expressed on Michael's face.
You don't

want to be seen there - somebody might guess.
A true knowledge of the world is gained only by conversation, and the manners of every rank must be seen in order to be known.
Я видел его недавно на втором этаже библиотеки

It gave her a great deal of satisfaction to see the disappointment that was clearly expressed on

Слайд 43I saw you dancing And I'll never be the same again

for sure I saw you dancing Say Yaki-Da my love
I'm waiting for

a chanсe To get to know you To ask for a dance Just look into my eyes And I'll take you to paradise
I'm falling, I'm falling Cause life's not easy for me
Please touch me like you do To have you near me To go where you go Why waste a lot of time My love is not a serious crime

I saw you dancing And I'll never be the same again for sure I saw you dancing

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