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Around the world

The Russian Federation is a state that occupies the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. The territory of Russia in its constitutional boundaries is 17 mln

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Слайд 1Around the world.

Around the world.

Слайд 2
The Russian Federation is a state that occupies the

eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.

The territory of Russia in its constitutional boundaries is 17 mln km²; ssia is the largest country in the world. The country's population is 146 million people. The capital of Russia is Moscow. The official language is Russian.

The Russian Federation is a state that occupies the eastern part of Europe and the northern

Слайд 3

The Russian Federation includes 85 subjects, 46 of which

are referred to as regions, 22 - republics, 9 -

territories, 3 - cities of federal significance, 4 - autonomous okrugs and 1 - autonomous region. In total, there are about 157 thousand settlements in the country. Russia borders on sixteen states. Russia is a multinational state with a wide ethnocultural diversity. The longest rivers of Russia are the Lena, Yenisei, Ob, Volga, Amur, Ural, and the largest lakes: the Caspian Sea, Baikal, Ladoga, Onega, Taimyr.
The largest cities are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Voronezh , Volgograd, Krasnodar.
The Russian Federation includes 85 subjects, 46 of which are referred to as regions, 22 -

Слайд 5

Russia is a multinational state with a wide ethnocultural

diversity. Most of the population (about 75%) considers themselves to


Russia is a multinational state with a wide ethnocultural diversity. Most of the population (about 75%)

Слайд 6
The United States of America, for short the United

States or the United States, colloquially - America is a

state in North America. Area - 9.5 million km². This state is the fourth largest state in the world. The population is about 329 million people. The capital of the USA is Washington. The official language is American English.
The United States of America, for short the United States or the United States, colloquially -

Слайд 7
USA consist of 50 states.The United States borders on

Canada in the north, and Mexico in the south; they

also have a maritime border with Russia. Largest cities New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, Austin, Jacksonville, Fort Worth, Columbus, San Francisco, Charlotte, Indianapolis Samami major and important rivers of the USA are the Mississippi, Missouri, the Potomac, the Colorado River, the Hudson River. In the north-east of the country, on the border with Canada, there is a whole group of large lakes connected by straits and rivers, this group is called by the Americans as the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes include Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
USA consist of 50 states.The United States borders on Canada in the north, and Mexico in

Слайд 9
The population of the United States is diverse according

to national and ethnic characteristics. By law, the United States

is considered a typical country of immigrants, the population of which is almost all the peoples of the planet. The indigenous inhabitants of America are the Eskimos, Indians and Aleuts, which makes up only 1% of all the peoples living in the country. Ethnic composition of the United States is divided into: white Americans, African Americans, immigrants from Asia, Europeans and Native Americans.
The population of the United States is diverse according to national and ethnic characteristics. By law,

Слайд 10
Great Britain or the United Kingdom, abbreviated as UK,

the full official form is the United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland. It is one of the smallest countries in the world.The area of ​​Great Britain is 244 thousand km². It occupies the British Isles, which lie off the north-west coast of Europe.The population is 66 million. The capital is London.The official languages ​​are English, Welsh, Gaelic (Scottish Celtic), Scotts (Scottish Germanic), Cornish, Irish.
Great Britain or the United Kingdom, abbreviated as UK, the full official form is the United

Слайд 11

The United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland and

Nothen Islands. The maritime border of Great Britain is Sweden,

Norway, Denmark, Germany and France. The land border (Northern Ireland) is Ireland.The largest rivers of Great Britain are the Severn, which flows through the territory of England and Wales, and the Thames River. There are no large lakes, but there is a whole Lake District - the largest national park in England and, perhaps, the most famous natural region.
The United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Nothen Islands. The maritime border of Great

Слайд 13
The main people of Great Britain are the British,

they are considered descendants of the Anglo-Saxons and inhabit England

itself, most of Wales and the south of Scotland. The second largest ethnic group are Welsh. There are also Scots, Irish and Ulsterians who are descendants of Scots and English in Ireland and local residents. Ethnographic literature sometimes separately mentions the gels who live in the north of Scotland in the mountains, the inhabitants of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. Also in modern Britain, representatives of other peoples of the world live, including former British colonies.
The main people of Great Britain are the British, they are considered descendants of the Anglo-Saxons

Слайд 15

Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!

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