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Changes in community

Community is a group of interacting species living in the same location. Ecological succession is the process by which ecosystems change and develop over time. During succession plants, animals and other

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Changes in community

- describe the process of ecological succession

Changes in community- describe the process of ecological succession

Слайд 2Community is a group of interacting species living in the

same location.
Ecological succession is the process by which ecosystems

change and develop over time. During succession plants, animals and other organism species are replaced with different species.
Community is a group of interacting species living in the same location. Ecological succession is the process

Слайд 3Types of ecological succession
Primary succession occurs in areas where no

living organisms lived before.
Primary succession would take place on new

volcanic islands (вулканикалық аралдар/вулканические острова), bare rocks (жартас жыныстары /голые скалы) and other places.
Types of ecological successionPrimary succession occurs in areas where no living organisms lived before.Primary succession would take

Слайд 4Types of ecological succession
Secondary succession occurs on ready soil or

a place where other living organisms lived before.
Secondary succession

occurs after fires, floods (су тасқыны/ наводнение), drought (құрғақшылық/ засуха), and some human activities.
Types of ecological successionSecondary succession occurs on ready soil or a place where other living organisms lived

Слайд 5Fact
Fire gives life too. Jack pine is a plant which

grows in Northern America. Its cones only open and spread

seeds after forest fires.
FactFire gives life too. Jack pine is a plant which grows in Northern America. Its cones only

Слайд 6Questions
A forest was washed away by flood. It is primary

or secondary are of succession?
Predict how long it will take

for forest to regrow?
A new volcanic island is formed after volcanic eruption. Write step by step processes occurring on this island during succession.

QuestionsA forest was washed away by flood. It is primary or secondary are of succession?Predict how long

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