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Chapter 6.2 Experiment in love

On page 141 Carmel describes what knowledges she gained in a private Convent school . In this list we can see well-known items from a typical grammar-school curriculum of the 1960s.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Chapter 6.2 Experiment in love
Made by Chernyakova Viktoria

Chapter 6.2  Experiment in loveMade by Chernyakova Viktoria

Слайд 2On page 141 Carmel describes what knowledges she gained in

a private Convent school . In this list we can

see well-known items from a typical grammar-school curriculum of the 1960s. I think it could be interesting to know what did Carmel learned in such school.


On page 141 Carmel describes what knowledges she gained in a private Convent school . In this

Слайд 3The building layout of medieval abbeys followed a common plan.

An example of the plan is shown HERE the plan

describes the function of each section. Many Cistercian and Benedictine abbeys were built in this way. 

Top 3: Reasons to Use a Fountain Pen
1. It’s a Lifestyle Statement
Presidents don’t sign a treaty with a ball pen, they use a fountain pen.
2. A Luxurious and Expressive Writing Experience
3. Improves Handwriting

In projective geometry, any pair of lines always intersects at some point, but parallel lines do not intersect in the real plane. The line at infinity is added to the real plane. This completes the plane, because now parallel lines intersect at a point which lies on the line at infinity.

Year 1 Carmel learnt

The ground plan of a medieval monastery

It is vulgar to use a ballpoint pen instead of fountain- pen

That parallel lines meet at infinity

The building layout of medieval abbeys followed a common plan. An example of the plan is shown

Слайд 4YeAR 2 Carmel learnt
The products of Ecuador
Ecuador's main recognized agricultural

products are bananas, coffee, cocoa, rice, potatoes, manioc (tapioca), plantains, sugarcane,

cattle, sheep, pigs, beef, pork, dairy products, balsa wood, fish and shrimp. Ecuador's main industries are petroleum, food processing, textiles, wood products and chemicals.

YeAR 2 Carmel learnt01The products of EcuadorEcuador's main recognized agricultural products are bananas, coffee, cocoa, rice, potatoes, manioc

Слайд 5The poem written by Thomas Love Peacock in 1829. The

text is describing an incident of sheep rustling. The poem

describes the overthrow of the fictional Ednyfed by a group of fierce warriors. The Poem is taken from The Misfortunes of Elphin (1829), a comic historical novel set in Arthurian Wales, reflecting the poets interests in Welsh legends and history. The War-Song of Dinas Vawr is a song, taken from the novel, sung by those who have conquered the castle of Dinas Vawr on the night of their victory.


The mountain sheep are sweeter,
But the valley ship are fatter;

Here is the link for the full poem https://www.poetrybyheart.org.uk/poems/the-war-song-of-dinas-vawr/

The poem written by Thomas Love Peacock in 1829. The text is describing an incident of sheep

Слайд 603
To prefer the active to the passive voice
Sentences written in

an active voice flow better and are easier to understand.

Using active voice places the emphasis on the subject of the sentence and makes the sentence more straightforward and concise.
03To prefer the active to the passive voiceSentences written in an active voice flow better and are

Слайд 7Year 3, Carmel learnt
I don’t think that it is really

useful for you to know about the anatomy of a

rabbit. Here is a funny anatomy for you
Year 3, Carmel learntI don’t think that it is really useful for you to know about the

Слайд 8"Ode on a Grecian Urn" is a poem written by

the English Romantic poet John Keats in May 1819 and published anonymously in Annals

of the Fine Arts for 1819. The poem is one of several "Great Odes of 1819", which includes "Ode on Indolence", "Ode on Melancholy", "Ode to a Nightingale", and "Ode to Psyche". Keats found earlier forms of poetry unsatisfactory for his purpose, and the collection represented a new development of the ode form. 

That beauty is truth, truth beauty

Слайд 9Hold The Brush Flat
Start In The Middle
Create The Wing
Add Some

Lash Action

How to apply liquid eyeliner
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Hold The Brush FlatStart In The MiddleCreate The WingAdd Some Lash ActionHow to apply liquid eyelinerStep 1Step

Слайд 10The ablative absolute

The ablative absolute

Слайд 11The composition of the blood

The composition of the blood

Слайд 12Now we are as smart as Carmel and we know

everything that Carmel learnt at school! Congratulations!

Now we are as smart as Carmel and we know everything that Carmel learnt at school! Congratulations!

Слайд 131 Narthex 2 Nave 3 Choir 4 Transepts Nth/Sth 5 Presbytery 6 High Altar 7 More

Altars 8 Cloister 9 Garden / Garth 10 East Range 11 Choir Mnks Dorter 12

Night Stairs 13 Sacristy 14 Library 15 Chapter-house 16 Reredorter/Toilets 17 Water supply 18 West Range 19 Night Stairs 20 Kitchen 21 Dining Room 22 Warming Room


*for additional info https://www.timeref.com/life/abbey5.htm

1 Narthex 2 Nave 3 Choir 4 Transepts Nth/Sth 5 Presbytery 6 High Altar 7 More Altars

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