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Daily Happiness & how to obtain it

Have you got a… GUILTY PLEASURE*?Binge watching(&eating)Grazing*something, such as a habit, film, or music, that one enjoys despite understanding that it is not generally held in high regard, or is seen

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Daily Happiness & how to obtain it

Daily Happiness & how to obtain it

Слайд 2Have you got a… GUILTY PLEASURE*?
Binge watching(&eating)
*something, such as a habit,

film, or music, that one enjoys despite understanding that it

is not generally held in high regard, or is seen as unusual or weird

Weird movies


Have you got a… GUILTY PLEASURE*?Binge watching(&eating)Grazing*something, such as a habit, film, or music, that one enjoys

Слайд 4Is it always bad to have guilty pleasures?
Do we have

the same phenomenon in Russia? (if not then why?)
Why do

you think people are ashamed of some of their harmless habits (preferences)?
Shall we hide(abandon) our interests if the others don’t share them?

Is it always bad to have guilty pleasures?Do we have the same phenomenon in Russia? (if not

Слайд 5Did you know..?
Different nations have some useful habits we could

Try and guess!
The French love cheese, butter, cream,

and bread. Yet, obesity levels here are among the lowest in Europe.

Fatty foods are eaten regularly, in small portions. They also spend more time on dining. They also spend more time on dining. Eating slowly prevents gorging because the stomach is allowed to feel full. 

Did you know..?Different nations have some useful habits we could borrow.Try and guess!TRUE or FALSE?The French love

Слайд 6Where does it come from..?

Where does it come from..?ItalyMexicoThailandSwedenIndiaSingaporeTurkey

Слайд 7What is happiness?

What is happiness?

Слайд 8Would you opt for a life with no pain? By

Hayley Levitt and Bethany Rickwald

Would you opt for a life with no pain? By Hayley Levitt and Bethany Rickwald

Слайд 9Hedonism
Net-pleasure – pure pleasure
A no-brainer – an easy task to

Dissuade smb from smth – talk smb from doing smth

head over heels – fall desperately in love
Rendezvous – romantic meeting
Be in /blissful/ ignorance – not know smth
Intrinsic(true) value
HedonismNet-pleasure – pure pleasureA no-brainer – an easy task to solveDissuade smb from smth – talk smb

Слайд 10What would you choose..?

What would you choose..?

Слайд 12Do we appreciate what we’ve got?
What were the 5 things

that made you feel happy recently?

Do we appreciate what we’ve got?What were the 5 things that made you feel happy recently?

Слайд 13Home task!
Tell your partner about a thing that made you

smile/laugh/giggle/chuckle/smirk or beam all over your face – EVERY DAY

for a WEEK!

Strictly in ENGLISH!!!(Ancient Greek will do as well)
Using a voice message
Attaching some pics to your story
Making a video

Home task!Tell your partner about a thing that made you smile/laugh/giggle/chuckle/smirk or beam all over your face

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