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English for General Academic Purposes. School of Foreign Languages Moscow, 2020

Grading systemSchool of Foreign LanguagesG= 0.3 * Final assessment + 0.25 * Independent work assessment + 0.2 * Oral assessment + 0.25 * Written assessment

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1English for General Academic Purposes.

School of Foreign Languages
Moscow, 2020

English for General Academic Purposes.School of Foreign LanguagesMoscow, 2020

Слайд 2Grading system
School of Foreign Languages
G= 0.3 * Final assessment +

0.25 * Independent work assessment + 0.2 * Oral assessment

+ 0.25 * Written assessment
Grading systemSchool of Foreign LanguagesG= 0.3 * Final assessment + 0.25 * Independent work assessment + 0.2

Слайд 31.Final assessment– The final test is held in class before

the examination period.
The final test is not blocking and

can be retaken if a student missed it for a valid reason. The absence must be documented (e.g. doctor’s confirmation).
Assessment focus: the final test evaluates students’ acquisition of skills and knowledge being learned in Modules 1-2.
Tasks: 1 reading task, 1 listening task and 1 written task (a summary).
Max. score: 10; the final test score is equal to the mean of the grades for a listening task, reading task, and writing task.

Control elements

School of Foreign Languages

1.Final assessment– The final test is held in class before the examination period. The final test is

Слайд 42.Independent work assessment– includes activities that students do at home/in

the classroom/online. They are not blocking, and not eligible for

retakes. Such activities are assessed as follows below:

Control elements

School of Foreign Languages

2.Independent work assessment– includes activities that students do at home/in the classroom/online. They are not blocking, and

Слайд 53.Oral assessment– includes 1 talk on a given topic, answering

3 questions, and 1 presentation. These elements of assessment are

not blocking, and not eligible for retakes.

Talk on a given topic assesses students’ speaking skills, their ability to speak fluently and coherently, use a wide range of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation features.
Answering questions task assesses students’ speaking skills, their ability to provide well-organized, fully-developed answers, speak fluently and coherently, use a wide range of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation features.
Presentation assesses students’ speaking and presentation skills.

Control elements

School of Foreign Languages

3.Oral assessment– includes 1 talk on a given topic, answering 3 questions, and 1 presentation. These elements

Слайд 64.Written assessment– includes 1 reading test, 1 listening test, 5

vocabulary and grammar tests, and 1 written work (a summary).

These elements of assessment are not blocking, and not eligible for retakes except the cases going beyond student’s control (illness, emergencies). A student can be allowed to retake written elements if official documentary evidence of these cases is provided to an instructor.

Control elements

School of Foreign Languages

4.Written assessment– includes 1 reading test, 1 listening test, 5 vocabulary and grammar tests, and 1 written

Слайд 7Sample reading task 1
Choose the most suitable heading from the

list below for paragraphs 1-5. There are three extra headings

which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning.
List of Headings

A Radical improvements in vocational training
B A necessity to concentrate on better educational standards
C Factors leading to the changes in the educational sector
D The cost of becoming a professional
E A significant gap in the quantity of people in tertiary education
F The expected results of the educational reform
G An emphasis on a potential danger
H Difficulties each student faces up to
I Possible circumstances provoking leaving

Latin America’s campus revolution
0 ______D_______
He lives in a house of cardboard and tin in a poor district. His mother sells cooked food in the street; his father is a mechanic. Yet César Huamán is studying architecture at a new private university. To pay the fees of $137 a month he works on building sites during the holidays. His parents and six siblings say: “We all want to have a professional in the family, even if it’s only one”.
1 _____________
Mr Huamán is part of a revolution in higher education in Latin America. The region has 20m students, more than double the number at the turn of the century. The proportion of 18- to 24-year-olds in higher education surged from 21% in 2000 to 43% in 2013, a faster expansion than in any other region in this period. Many of the new students are, like Mr Huamán, from hard-up families. While students from the poorer half of the population accounted for 16% of the total in 2000, in 2012 they made up 24% of the total—an increase of 3million students from such backgrounds.

School of Foreign Languages

Sample reading task 1 Choose the most suitable heading from the list below for paragraphs 1-5. There are

Слайд 8Sample reading task 2
Read the text again and decide whether

the following statements (6-10) agree with the information in the

text. Mark them:

T if the statement agrees with the text
F if the statement does not agree with the text
NG if there is no information about this in the text

6 An average Latin student has a well-mannered family
7 There is a sudden drop in the number of students from hard-up families
8 Due to progress in economic and social spheres a lot of educational institutes appeared
9 Only a quarter of the workforce in Latin America has a higher education diploma
10 The length of the average degree course is one of the reasons to be expelled before graduation

School of Foreign Languages

Sample reading task 2 Read the text again and decide whether the following statements (6-10) agree with the

Слайд 9Sample listening task 1
For questions 1-5 listen to a

teacher and a head teacher discussing a school camping trip.

Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

1. Beth is giving James a tutorial connected with the _________________ course.
2. The 3rd year’s programme presupposes that James will have an opportunity to study________________.
3. The tutor suggests carrying out a research into modern literature or the plays written in the _________________.
4. The student hasn’t made a choice between three possible paper topics yet: the ___________of Scandinavian people, the traditions of buying and selling goods or the set of beliefs.
5. The tutor thinks that the film that James has already watched contains more elements of _____________ than true facts.

School of Foreign Languages

Sample listening task 1 TASK 1.For questions 1-5 listen to a teacher and a head teacher discussing a

Слайд 10Sample listening task 2

For questions 6-10 listen to the

dialogue again.
Choose the correct letter: A, B or C.

6. Beth is going to ask James some personal questions because
A. they meet for the first time
B. she wants to gather information for her research
C. this is her first day at work

7. As far as James’ skills in Danish are concerned, he
A. doesn’t make any mistakes.
B. has never had experience in communicating with people in Danish.
C. manages to express his thoughts.
8. After graduating from university James would prefer to
A. take a postgraduate course.
B. become a translator.
C. work in the media.

9. The course on Swedish cinematography
A. will be substituted by Danish television programmes.
B. will last for one more term.
C. will be replaced by Scandinavian literature.

10. The tutor recommends James to
A. find an appropriate textbook about the Vikings.
B. read her recent article in the library.
C. read some other student’s work.

School of Foreign Languages

Sample listening task 2 TASK 2.For questions 6-10 listen to the dialogue again. Choose the correct letter: A,

Слайд 11Sample written assessment tasks

School of Foreign Languages
Task 1. Match a

word with its definition.
Vocabulary and grammar tests

Sample written assessment tasks   School of Foreign LanguagesTask 1. Match a word with its definition.Vocabulary and grammar tests

Слайд 12Sample written assessment tasks

School of Foreign Languages
Vocabulary and grammar tests

2. Complete the sentence with a missing word. The definition

of this word is given in brackets.

1. She was always cheerful and ……………. (liking to meet other people, enjoying their company and being friendly towards them).
2. She is always polite and ………….. (always thinking of other people’s wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others) towards her employees.
3. She looked ……… (having a useful purpose; acting with a clear aim and with determination) and determined.
4. The weakness was ……… (continuing for only a short time), and soon I was feeling strong again.
5. She seems to find it difficult to form ………… (serious and important) relationships.

Sample written assessment tasks   School of Foreign LanguagesVocabulary and grammar testsTask 2. Complete the sentence with a missing

Слайд 13Sample written assessment tasks

School of Foreign Languages
Vocabulary and grammar tests

3. Fill in the gaps with would or used to

/ used to / to be used to / to get used to + the verb in brackets in the correct form.

1. I can't believe they are going to build an airport just two miles from our new house! I will never ____________ all that noise! What a nightmare.
2. In the 19th century people ___________ (work) longer hours than they do now.
3. Several centuries ago people __________ (think) that our planet was flat.
4. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood, I ____________ (not, live) in a house. I had always lived in apartment buildings.
5. When we lived in the country, people in shops ___________________ (be) much friendlier.

Sample written assessment tasks   School of Foreign LanguagesVocabulary and grammar testsTask 3. Fill in the gaps with would

Слайд 14Sample written assessment tasks

School of Foreign Languages
Task. Write a summary

of the following text.

Assessment focus: summary writing assesses the students’

ability to condense a text to its main points, write an informative, logically organised text using a wide range of vocabulary and grammar constructions.
Max. score: 10
Sample written assessment tasks   School of Foreign LanguagessummaryTask. Write a summary of the following text.Assessment focus: summary writing

Слайд 15Sample oral assessment tasks

School of Foreign Languages
Talk on a given

Give a 2-minute talk on the following topic. You have

1 minute to prepare.
Describe someone who has had an important influence on your life.
You should say:
who the person is
how long you have known him/her
what qualities this person has
and explain why they have had such an influence on you.
Answering questions
Answer the following questions providing relevant examples and supporting arguments.
1. Why do you think people like to travel to different places in their free time?
2. How do you see tourism changing in your country in the future?
3. What conflicts can arise between a person’s family and a person’s friends?
Prepare a presentation on the following topic: A controversial historical figure.

Sample oral assessment tasks   School of Foreign LanguagesTalk on a given topicGive a 2-minute talk on the following

Слайд 16Sample independent work assessment tasks

School of Foreign Languages
Home Assignment
1) Watch

the video https://www.engvid.com/are-you-using-enough-correctly/ and do the quiz. Attach the screenshots.

2) Grammarway: do p 31 ex 3, p 33 ex 8. Check against the answer key at the back of the book
3) Watch the videos about zero and first conditionals and do the quizzes. Attach the screenshots. Zero https://www.engvid.com/learn-english-grammar-zero-conditional/ First https://www.engvid.com/learn-english-grammar-the-first-conditional/
1) Kahoot on Advertising 1
2) In pairs discuss these questions:
- Have you ever bought something just because of an advert? When? What?
- Are there any adverts that you particularly like/remember? Which one(s)? Why?
3) Follow the link https://answergarden.ch/1200330
4) Watch a video and answer the questions:
-How do advertisers make us buy things?
-Are there any new ideas that haven't been mentioned before? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Urny4oFBbto

Tasks may vary upon the degree programme characteristics and/or instructors’ vision of aims and planned outcomes.

Sample independent work assessment tasks   School of Foreign LanguagesHome Assignment1) Watch the video https://www.engvid.com/are-you-using-enough-correctly/ and do the quiz.

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