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English is a world language

Today, when English is one of the main languages in the world, it is difficult to understand that this is a relatively recent thing –that in Shakespeare's time, for example, only

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1English is a world language
prepared by: 1st year student, group

1 GD
Demina Victoria

English is a world languageprepared by: 1st year student, group 1 GDDemina Victoria

Слайд 2Today, when English is one of the main languages in

the world, it is difficult to understand that this is

a relatively recent thing –that in Shakespeare's time, for example, only a few million people in Europe spoke English and that it was unknown to the rest of the world.
Today, when English is one of the main languages in the world, it is difficult to understand

Слайд 3English has become a world language due to its establishment

as the native language of England, on all continents of

the world.
English has become a world language due to its establishment as the native language of England, on

Слайд 4Why is English the world language?
English can be safely considered

the "Language of the World", because it is spoken by

people from 6 countries of the globe!

Why is English the world language? English can be safely considered the

Слайд 51. India
Population: 1 129 866 154 person

1. IndiaPopulation: 1 129 866 154 person

Слайд 62. USA
Population: 323 000 000

2. USAPopulation: 323 000 000

Слайд 73. Nigeria
POPULATION: 128 771 988

3. Nigeria POPULATION: 128 771 988

Слайд 84. Canada
Population: 32 300 000

4. CanadaPopulation: 32 300 000

Слайд 95. Australia
Population: 23 130 931

5. Australia Population: 23 130 931

Слайд 106. Ireland
Population: 4 130 700

6. Ireland Population: 4 130 700

Слайд 11English in the world
English is an international language, one of

the official languages ​​of the United Nations, is the language

of international communication in such fields as politics, science, technology, business, culture, trade. English is the language of navigation, aviation, literature, education, modern music, international sports, tourism, programming. 75% of world correspondence is in English, 60% of radio stations broadcast in English, more than half of world periodicals in English, 80% of information on electronics is stored in English. It is no secret that English is the most widely spoken language in the world today: for more than 400 million people it is the mother tongue, but the number of people for whom English is foreign is more than three times this figure. By the end of 2004, the number of adults in Asia who spoke English reached 350 million. According to the British Council, in 10 years, 2 billion people will learn English and about half of the world's population will speak it.
English in the worldEnglish is an international language, one of the official languages ​​of the United Nations,

Слайд 12English is applied in industries…
Politics (international negotiations)
training of young specialists

English is applied in industries…ConstructionPharmacologyPolitics (international negotiations)training of young specialists

Слайд 13Knowledge of English is the key to many industries and

the ability to work all over the world.

Knowledge of English is the key to many industries and the ability to work all over the

Слайд 14Currently, translators are in high demand! After all, as much

as I would not like, but the English language is

not subject to everyone.
Currently, translators are in high demand! After all, as much as I would not like, but the

Слайд 15knowledge of English is an opportunity for self-realization!

knowledge of English is an opportunity for self-realization!

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