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The family is a structure consisting of relations: domination - submission (power), responsibility and, I add, emotional closeness.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 3The family is a structure consisting of relations: domination -

submission (power), responsibility and, I add, emotional closeness.

The family is a structure consisting of relations: domination - submission (power), responsibility and, I add, emotional

Слайд 4Family relationships are governed by morality and law. They are

based on marriage - a legitimate recognition of the relationship

between a man and a woman, which is accompanied by the birth of children and responsibility for the physical and moral health of family members.
In the realities of the 21st century, there are even more acute questions about how we can achieve a stable, harmonious union with another person and how to maintain this union throughout life.
Family relationships are governed by morality and law. They are based on marriage - a legitimate recognition

Слайд 5The problem of the psychology of family relations arises in

terms of realizing the person’s life and personality ideology, in

terms of establishing a person’s family scenario, and in terms of realizing the meanings and goals of family life.
According to psychologists, the deepest feelings are caused only by the loss of a loved one. Divorce is second in the stress chain. It is interesting that, according to statistics, the most frequent initiators of divorce are women, the so-called guardians of the family hearth. They are probably more determined than men
The problem of the psychology of family relations arises in terms of realizing the person’s life and

Слайд 6Reasons for Divorce
There are 6 main causes of divorce:

Reasons for DivorceThere are 6 main causes of divorce:

Слайд 7 Hasty, rash marriage of convenience or marriage of convenience;

Hasty, rash marriage of convenience or marriage of convenience;

Слайд 8Adultery


Слайд 9Incompatibility of characters and views

Incompatibility of characters and views

Слайд 10Psychological and practical unpreparedness for family life and, as a

result, the accumulation of mistakes in family relationships, disappointment in

a loved one or yourself
Psychological and practical unpreparedness for family life and, as a result, the accumulation of mistakes in family

Слайд 11 Drunkenness.


Слайд 12To prevent a divorce, be sure to discuss the issues

that cause claims on both sides. Your task is to

find the reasons that led to such a sad state when thoughts of divorce appeared in your husband or in you. In no case do not interrupt your husband, but listen calmly to him and also calmly explain your point of view on current events. The main thing is to restrain yourself, even if what you hear from your husband will cause anger and complete rejection of his point of view. Do not try to conceal the feelings that torment you, honestly tell about them, but do this not just to make another claim, but expressing a sincere desire to reach a mutual compromise.
To prevent a divorce, be sure to discuss the issues that cause claims on both sides. Your

Слайд 13Bibliography

Druzhinin V.N. Family Psychology: 3rd ed. _SPb .: Peter, 2009.-

176 p.
Psychology of family relationships. Lecture course.- M.: April-Press, Publishing

House EKSMO-Press, 2010.- 512 p.
The psychology of family relations with the basics of family counseling: Textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook. institutions / E.I. Artamonova, E.V. Ekzhanova, E.V. Zyryanova et al., Ed. E.G. Silyaeva. - M.: Publishing Center Academy, 2008.- 192 p.
BibliographyDruzhinin V.N. Family Psychology: 3rd ed. _SPb .: Peter, 2009.- 176 p.Psychology of family relationships. Lecture course.-



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