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Hey! My DEAR FRIENDS!! A BIG HI from Jenny AIESEC HUST, Mainland of China!

Hi! My dear friends!I’m Jenny, EP of AIESEC HUST, Mainland of China. I’m going to start my new journey to Donetsk soon. Before this, please allow me to introduce myself with this short presentation.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Hey! My DEAR FRIENDS!!
A BIG HI from Jenny AIESEC HUST, Mainland of China!

Hey! My DEAR FRIENDS!! A BIG HI from Jenny AIESEC HUST, Mainland of China!

Слайд 2Hi! My dear friends!
I’m Jenny, EP of AIESEC HUST, Mainland of China. I’m going to start my new

journey to Donetsk soon. Before this, please allow me to

introduce myself with this short presentation.
Hi! My dear friends!I’m Jenny, EP of AIESEC HUST, Mainland of China. I’m going to start my new journey to Donetsk soon. Before this, please

Слайд 3When you see this photo of me, you may think

I am a gentle, quiet and ……ok, a little bit

serious girl. Isn’t it?
When you see this photo of me, you may think I am a gentle, quiet and ……ok,

Слайд 4Haha! But it’s not the real me. Now I’d like

to show you a really special girl, a passionate, optimistic, outgoing and cheerful

Chinese girl!
Haha! But it’s not the real me. Now I’d like to show you a really special girl,

Слайд 5Are you ready to know the real person whom I

am? Ok! Let’s start it!

Are you ready to know the real person whom I am? Ok! Let’s start it!

Слайд 6Music!
My favorite thing!
I can play a kind of Chinese  tradition instrument—Pipa fluently.

It could be very traditional and soft, but……

Music!My favorite thing! I can play a kind of  Chinese  tradition instrument—Pipa fluently. It could be very traditional and soft,

Слайд 7How about having some rock with it?

How about having some rock with it?

Слайд 8Smile! My best language to communicate with others! It is

surely tender and sunny, but…..

Smile! My best language to communicate with others! It is surely tender and sunny, but…..

Слайд 9laughing heartily may be also warm and sincere ?

laughing heartily may be also warm and sincere ?

Слайд 10Traditional clothes? Of course I have dressed! The typical Chinese

women dress---Qipao? Or…..

Traditional clothes? Of course I have dressed! The typical Chinese women dress---Qipao? Or…..

Слайд 11An ancient boy’s clothes could be more interesting?

An ancient boy’s clothes could be more interesting?

Слайд 12Favorite sport? Woooo! Such a difficult choice! There are so

many, swimming, traveling, and….

Favorite sport? Woooo! Such a difficult choice! There are so many, swimming, traveling, and….

Слайд 13Eating, boating, riding horse or even…..

Eating, boating, riding horse or even…..

Слайд 14Firing and daydreaming……..

Firing and daydreaming……..

Слайд 15Favorite food? Oh! It’s more difficult than the former one.

Maybe I would answer…….all?

Favorite food? Oh! It’s more difficult than the former one. Maybe I would answer…….all?

Слайд 16Friends? Haha!!I will tell you proudly that I have many

many different friends!

Friends? Haha!!I will tell you proudly that I have many many different friends!

Слайд 17That’s all? Of course not! My dear friend! I wish

I can have such a pleasure
to start my new

adventure in such a marvelous and beautiful country—Ukraine
With your help and guide. Besides, I also wish I can have such a chance to
let you know more about me!
That’s all? Of course not! My dear friend! I wish I can have such a pleasure to

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