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Halloween The 31st of October

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Слайд 1

Слайд 3Halloween
The 31st of October

Halloween The 31st of October

Слайд 4Guy Fawkes day
The 5th of November
Popular holiday in Britain

November 5
Celebrate the failure (неудача)
of the gunpowder plot

the dummy (чучело) of
Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes day The 5th of NovemberPopular holiday in BritainOn November 5Celebrate the failure (неудача)of the gunpowder

Слайд 5History of Pilgrims
Difficult journey
Indians helped pilgrims how to grow crops

and how to hunt
A day to be thankful for family,

friends and good food.
Family dinner with a turkey

Thanksgiving Day

the 4th Thursday of November

History of PilgrimsDifficult journeyIndians helped pilgrims how to grow crops and how to huntA day to be

Слайд 6A public holiday
An important religious festival
The day of the birth

of Jesus Christ
A family holiday
With Christmas dinner
Wish “Merry Christmas” to

each other


The 25th of December

A public holidayAn important religious festivalThe day of the birth of Jesus ChristA family holidayWith Christmas dinnerWish

Слайд 7New Year’s Day
The 31st of December

New Year’s DayThe 31st of December

Слайд 8In Canada and the USA
Groundhog forecasts weather
It hides in the

hole and winter will persist for six more weeks, and

if it does not see its shadow because of cloudiness, spring will arrive early.

Groundhog Day

The 2nd of February

In Canada and the USAGroundhog forecasts weatherIt hides in the hole and winter will persist for six

Слайд 9old tradition
send Valentines
those they love
give presents
flowers and chocolates
symbol of love

Valentines' Day
The 14th of February

old traditionsend Valentinesthose they lovegive presentsflowers and chocolatessymbol of loveSt. Valentines' DayThe 14th of February

Слайд 10Easter
In March or April

EasterIn March or April

Слайд 11In Ireland
Honoring of St. Patrick who is very important in

Green Colour
Festivals and Parades
St. Patrick’s Day
The 17th of March

In IrelandHonoring of St. Patrick who is very important in IrelandGreen ColourShamrockLeprechaunFestivals and ParadesSt. Patrick’s DayThe 17th

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