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Information technology

By definition , information technology   - A set of inter-related , scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study the methods of effective organization of work people employed

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Слайд 1Information technology

Information technology

Слайд 2
By definition , information technology  

- A set of inter-related , scientific, technological, engineering disciplines

that study the methods of effective organization of work people employed information processing and storage ; Computing machinery and methods of organization and interaction with people and production equipment , their practical applications , as well as associated with all these social, economic and cultural issues . Themselves require complex information technology training, large initial costs.
By definition , information technology    - A set of inter-related , scientific,

Слайд 3 Now a days, computers are generally used as a

means to create and analyze the information which is then

transferred to a customary carrier (e.g. , paper) . But now, thanks to the wide spread of computers and the creation of the Internet, for the first time can be using your computer to communicate with other people through their computers .

Now a days, computers are generally used as a means to create and analyze the information

Слайд 5Modern material production and other areas in need of more

information services , processing vast amounts of information . Universal

technical means of processing information, is a computer that acts as an amplifier intellectual capacities of man and society in general , and communication tools that use computers are used for communication and information transfer . The emergence and development of computers - is a necessary part of the process of informatization of society.
Modern material production and other areas in need of more information services , processing vast amounts of

Слайд 7
Thus, the " computerization of society"

is a broader concept than the " computerization of society

", and is aimed at accelerating the mastery of information to meet their needs . The concept of " informatization of society ," the emphasis should be done not only on the technical means , but rather on the nature and purpose of social and technological progress. Computers are a basic technical component of the process of informatization of society.

Thus, the

Слайд 9The Internet provides an unprecedented way      obtaining information. Anyone with

access to the WWW, can get all the available information

on it , as well as its powerful search. Opportunities for education, business and the growth of mutual understanding between the people are simply stunning. Moreover , the technology allows the Web to disseminate information throughout. The simplicity of this method has no parallel in history. In order to make their views known to the goods or services to others, there is no more need to buy space in a newspaper or magazine , to pay for the time on television and radio . Web makes the rules the same for everyone .
The Internet provides an unprecedented way      obtaining information. Anyone with access to the WWW, can get all

Слайд 11Information technologies have become part of our lives. The use

of computers has become commonplace , although still quite recently

workstation equipped with computers, it was a rarity . Information technologies have opened new opportunities for work and leisure , would greatly facilitate the work of man.

Modern society can hardly be imagined without information technology. Prospects for the development of computer technology today is difficult to imagine even the experts. However , it is clear that in the future we are waiting for something big . And if the pace of development of information technology is not reduced (and in this there is no doubt ) .

Information technologies have become part of our lives. The use of computers has become commonplace , although

Слайд 13Студент группы ИТ-41: Рахимов Бехруз

Студент группы ИТ-41: Рахимов БехрузКонец.

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