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International Olympic Committee Perfomed : Gonchikzhapov Amgalan d

Mission and role of IOC The stated mission of the IOC is to promote the Olympics throughout the world and to lead the Olympic Movement:To encourage

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Слайд 1International Olympic Committee
Perfomed: Gonchikzhapov


International Olympic Committee      Perfomed: Gonchikzhapov Amgaland

Слайд 2 Mission and role of IOC


stated mission of the IOC is to promote the Olympics

throughout the world and to lead the Olympic Movement:
To encourage and support the organisation, development and coordination of sport and sports competitions;
To ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games;
To cooperate with the competent public or private organisations and authorities in the endeavour to place sport at the service of humanity and thereby to promote peace;
To act against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic Movement;
To encourage and support the promotion of women in sport at all levels and in all structures with a view to implementing the principle of equality of men and women

The mission and role of IOC

The mission and role of IOC

Mission and role of IOC The stated mission of the IOC is

Слайд 3 In accordance with the Olympic Charter, the

IOC must:

-ensure the regular holding of the Olympic games;


promote the enjoyment of sports ethics;

-to devote their efforts to ensuring that the spirit of fair play prevails on sports grounds;

-discourage any form of discrimination in the Olympic movement;

-resist any political and commercial abuse in sport;

-support the International Olympic Academy (IOA);

In accordance with the Olympic Charter, the IOC must: -ensure the regular holding of

Слайд 4
It was created on June 23, 1894 on the initiative

of a French public figure Pierre de Coubertin

Authorized document of

the IOC —

The INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE (IOC) is the highest, permanent body of the modern Olympic movement. Non-governmental, non-profit organization.

Charter of the Olympic games

The headquarters of the IOC in Lausanne (Switzerland).

The official languages are French and English.

It was created on June 23, 1894 on the initiative of a French public figure Pierre de

Слайд 5He selects his members from those who live in countries

with an NOC. One member of the IOC is elected

for the country (for the largest and most actively participating countries in the Olympic movement, as well as for those where the Olympic Games have already been held, there may be 2 members).

IOC structure

He selects his members from those who live in countries with an NOC. One member of the

Слайд 6

IOC Structure
IOC President
The IOC Executive Board: 4 vice

presidents and 10 members
IOC (115 members)
IOC Session
Nominations from members of the IOC, NOC
IOC StructureIOC PresidentThe IOC Executive

Слайд 7IOC Executive Board consists of the President, four Vice-Presidents and

ten other members. All members of the IOC Executive Board

are elected by the Session, in a secret ballot, by a majority of the votes cast. The IOC Executive Board assumes the general overall responsibility for the administration of the IOC and the management of its affairs

The IOC Executive Board

IOC Executive Board consists of the President, four Vice-Presidents and ten other members. All members of the

Слайд 8The IOC Session is the general meeting of the members

of the IOC, held once a year in which each

member has one vote. It is the IOC's supreme organ and its decisions are final.
Extraordinary Sessions may be convened by the President or upon the written request of at least one third of the members.

Among others, the powers of the Session are:
-To adopt or amend the Olympic Charter.
-To elect the members of the IOC, the Honorary President and the honorary members.
-To elect the President, the Vice-Presidents and all other members of the IOC Executive Board.
-To elect the host city of the Olympic Games.

IOC Session

The IOC Session is the general meeting of the members of the IOC, held once a year

Слайд 9

1. Demetrios Vikelas (Greece, 1894–1896)
2. Pierre de Coubertin (France,


3. Henri de Baillet-Latour (Belgium, 1925-1942)
4. Sigfrid Edstrem (Sweden, 1946–1952)
5. Avery Brundage (USA, 1952–1972)
6. Michael Morris Killanin (Ireland, 1972–1980)
7. Juan Antonio Samaranch (Spain, 1980–2001)
8. Jacques Rogge (Belgium, 2001– 2013)
9. Thomas Bach (2013 - now)

IOC President elected for 5 years

1. Demetrios Vikelas (Greece, 1894–1896) 2. Pierre de Coubertin (France, 1896–1925)

Слайд 10The IOC has 134 members from more than 80 countries.

Members of the committee are its representatives in their countries,

and not vice versa. According to the current regulations, a committee member is elected for an 8-year term with the possibility of re-election for a new term. The age of a committee member may not exceed 70 years.
The IOC has 134 members from more than 80 countries. Members of the committee are its representatives

Слайд 11

Blue is Europe  

Black - Africa   Red - america   Yellow - asia   Green is Australia.




The flag of the Olympic movement is 5 intertwined rings on a white background: blue, yellow, black, green and red. The rings symbolize the five continents, whose countries participate in the Olympic movement.

Blue is Europe  

Слайд 12Game emblem
The IOC’s activities are aimed at creating an emblem

for games. Each Olympic Games has its own unique emblem

symbolizing the city and country that organized the Olympic Games.
Game emblemThe IOC’s activities are aimed at creating an emblem for games. Each Olympic Games has its

Слайд 13Paralympic Games - international sports competitions for the disabled. Traditional

competitions have been held after the main Olympic Games since

1992. The Summer Olympic Games have been held since 1960, and the Winter Games since 1976.

Paralympic Games

Paralympic Games - international sports competitions for the disabled. Traditional competitions have been held after the main

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