Разделы презентаций

International relationship in sport

Key words: theory, socialization, political economy, inequality

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1International relationship in sport

International relationship in sport

Слайд 2Key words: theory, socialization, political economy, inequality

Key words: theory, socialization, political economy, inequality

Слайд 3Historical textbooks, books, reviews, newspapers, sport news video records.
1. Adelman,

M.1986. A Sporting Time: New York City and the Rise

of Modern Athletes.
2. Coakley, J. J.1990. Sport in Society: Issues and Controversies
Eitzen, D. S., Furst, D.1989. Racial bias in womens collegiate volleyball.
3. Grusky, 0.1963. The effects of formal structure on managerial recruitment: a study of baseball organization
4.Espy, R.1979. The Politics of The Olympic Games.

sport news video records
Stogel, C.1990. Era of explosion continues for TV sports. Sporting News 60:48

internet sources
UNLV – University of Nevada
Colorado State University

Primary documents and Secondary documents:

Historical textbooks, books, reviews, newspapers, sport news video records.1. Adelman, M.1986. A Sporting Time: New York City

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