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Legislative branch in Norway

Main pointsLegislative branch in Norway is presented by modified (in 2009) unicameral Parliament called Storting.It is led by a presidium of a president and five vice presidents; since 2009 Dag Terje

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Слайд 1Presentation on the theme:
Legislative branch in Norway

Presentation on the theme:Legislative branch in Norway

Слайд 2Main points
Legislative branch in Norway is presented by modified (in

2009) unicameral Parliament called Storting.
It is led by a presidium

of a president and five vice presidents; since 2009 Dag Terje Andersen has been president.

Main pointsLegislative branch in Norway is presented by modified (in 2009) unicameral Parliament called Storting.It is led

Слайд 3Officially Storting is divided to 2 chambers: the Odelsting and

the Lagting.
The Storting, currently has 169 members. The members are

elected from the 19 districts for 4-year terms based on the system of party-list proportional representation.

Question Hour

Officially Storting is divided to 2 chambers: the Odelsting and the Lagting.The Storting, currently has 169 members.

Слайд 4Procedure
The legislative procedure goes through five stages
Introducing the bill
1st reading

3rd reading
Monarch’s sign and promulgation
Only all the stages are done,

a bill becomes a Norwegian law

ProcedureThe legislative procedure goes through five stagesIntroducing the bill1st reading2nd reading3rd reading	Monarch’s sign and promulgation	Only all the

Слайд 5After bill’s introduction Parliament refers the bill to the relevant

standing committee, where it will be subject for detailed consideration

in the committee stage.
The first reading takes place when parliament debates the recommendation from the committee, and will make a vote. If the bill is dismissed, the procedure ends.
The second reading takes place at least three days after the first reading, in which parliament debates the bill again. A new vote is taken, and if successful, the bill is submitted to the King in Council of royal assent. If parliament comes to a different conclusion in the second reading, a third reading will be held at least three days later, repeating the debate and vote, and may adopt the amendments from the second reading or finally dismiss the bill.
Once the bill has reached the King in Council, the bill must be signed by the monarch and countersigned by the prime minister. It then becomes Norwegian law from the date stated in the act or decided by the government.
After bill’s introduction Parliament refers the bill to the relevant standing committee, where it will be subject

Слайд 6Process of legislation
Monarch signs a bill
Promulgation (a bill becomes a


Process of legislationIntroductionMonarch signs a billPromulgation (a bill becomes a law)

Слайд 7Thank you for attention!
The End
Prepared by Dmitry Krylov

Thank you for attention!The EndPrepared by Dmitry Krylov

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