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The London Underground was the first city underground in the world

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Слайд 2The London Underground was the first city underground in the


The London Underground was the first city underground in the world

Слайд 3There are more than 280 tube stations

There are more than 280 tube stations

Слайд 4
The London Underground’s 11 lines are the Bakerloo line, Central

line, Circle line, District line, Hammersmith& line, Jubilee line, Metropolitan

line, Northern line, Piccadilly line, Victoria line and Waterloo & City line.

The London Underground’s 11 lines are the Bakerloo line, Central line, Circle line, District line, Hammersmith& line,

Слайд 5Harry Beck
The London Underground map has a classic 20th century

design with a great history of its own. Although it

was designed in the 1930s, the original is still used today with modifications. Harry Beck, the designer of the map.
Harry BeckThe London Underground map has a classic 20th century design with a great history of its

Слайд 7 Someone has actually designed “The Way Out” tube

map which is a pretty useful invention, since it shows

where all the nearest exits are when you reach a station, allowing you to save valuable time.
Someone has actually designed “The Way Out” tube map which is a pretty useful invention,

Слайд 8The shortest escalator on the system has 50 steps. All

the escalators do the equivalent of two round the world

trips every weeks.
The shortest escalator on the system has 50 steps. All the escalators do the equivalent of two

Слайд 9The end!

The end!

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