Разделы презентаций


Goals:Define communication, mass communication, mass media and culture;Describe the relationships among communication, mass communication, culture, and those who live in the culture;Evaluate the impact of technology and economics on those relationships;List

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Слайд 2Goals:
Define communication, mass communication, mass media and culture;
Describe the relationships

among communication, mass communication, culture, and those who live in

the culture;
Evaluate the impact of technology and economics on those relationships;
List the components of media literacy;
Identify key skills required for developing media literacy;
Goals:Define communication, mass communication, mass media and culture;Describe the relationships among communication, mass communication, culture, and those

Слайд 4Communication, mass communication, mass media, and culture

Communication, mass communication,  mass media, and culture

Слайд 5Communication
It's nearly impossible to go through a day without the

use of communication. Communication is sending and receiving information between

two or more people.
Mass communication is the public transfer of messages through media or technology-driven channels to a large number of recipients from an entity, usually involving some type of cost or fee.
CommunicationIt's nearly impossible to go through a day without the use of communication. Communication is sending and

Слайд 6Mass media 
Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a

mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used

to reach the vast majority of the general public.
The general public typically relies on the mass media to provide information regarding political issues, social issues, entertainment, and news in pop culture.
Mass media Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means

Слайд 7Relationship among communication, mass communication and culture
Cultures are created through

communication; that is, communication is the means of human interaction

through which cultural characteristics— whether customs, roles, rules, rituals, laws, or other patterns—are created and shared.
Without communication and communication media, it would be impossible to preserve and pass along cultural characteristics from one place and time to another.
To understand the implications of the communication-culture relationship, it is necessary to think in terms of ongoing communication processes rather than a single communication event.
Relationship among communication, mass communication and cultureCultures are created through communication; that is, communication is the means

Слайд 8Impact of technology and economics on the relationship among culture

and communication
Current word offers countless possibilities for communication, and economical

relations are more important than ever.
Mass media is in the best state it has ever been, with the information available in almost any form imaginable.
Pursuit of economical growth, made the communication between cultures common, and technology made the process easier.

Impact of technology and economics on the relationship among culture and communicationCurrent word offers countless possibilities for

Слайд 9Main components of media literacy
Media messages are constructed
Media messages share

a point of view
Different media use special techniques
Different people interpret

media differently
Many people today can create media

Main components of media literacyMedia messages are constructedMedia messages share a point of viewDifferent media use special

Слайд 10Key skills required for developing media literacy
We can identify 4

essential skills for media literacy:

Slowing down in a fast-paced world

Finding the source(s)
Exploring media as a creator
Understanding bias
Key skills required for developing media literacyWe can identify 4 essential skills for media literacy:Slowing down in

Слайд 11Thank you!

Thank you!

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