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M y student's life

Higher educationAfter graduation, I entered the Kazan National Research University-KAI. Nowadays, I’m first year student. I am very glad that I was able to enroll in this university.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 My student's life

Gatin Almaz

My student's life Gatin AlmazPresentation

Слайд 2 Higher education
After graduation, I entered the Kazan

National Research University-KAI. Nowadays, I’m first year student. I am

very glad that I was able to enroll in this university. I like to study here! Here began my student life!
Higher educationAfter graduation, I entered the Kazan National Research University-KAI. Nowadays, I’m first year

Слайд 3 Student’s life is much different from life when

we studying at school. Now we ourselves are responsible for our actions, we

are living independently from parents and teachers.

Student’s life is much different from life when we studying at school. Now we ourselves are

Слайд 4Study
The most important thing in my student's life it is

study, study for me in the first place, because primarily

I went to university to study and get an education. Therefore, a large part of my time is spent on studies.
StudyThe most important thing in my student's life it is study, study for me in the first

Слайд 5My student's life includes not only study, but also other

activities. For example, I often practice various sports. Sport plays

an important role in my life.
My student's life includes not only study, but also other activities.  For example, I often practice

Слайд 6Besides all of the above, I find a little time

to walk on the evening of Kazan, go to football,

hockey, movies, theaters and other cultural and entertainment places.
Besides all of the above, I find a little time to walk on the evening of Kazan,

Слайд 7Thank you for your attention!!!!

Thank you for your attention!!!!

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