Разделы презентаций

MASTER'S DISSERTATION On the topic: "Decorative-applied art as an educational

Purpose of the study: - Explore the influence of modern media culture on the perception of images in art;- Search for historical contexts and continuity of images;- Influence research of personal

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1MASTER'S DISSERTATION On the topic: "Decorative-applied art as an educational

resource in the formation of an understanding of the continuity

of cultural values"

Academic advisor: Vorokhob Alexander Anatolyevich.


Слайд 2Purpose of the study:
- Explore the influence of modern

media culture on the perception of images in art;
- Search

for historical contexts and continuity of images;
- Influence research of personal interest of students, on depth of image research;
- Disclosure of the relationship between decorative art and manifestations of spiritual and material culture;
- Identification of local features of transformation and modification of images in the context of cultural change
- Determining the place and importance of decorative arts in students 'lives

Purpose of the study: - Explore the influence of modern media culture on the perception of images

Слайд 3Objectives of the study:
- to analyze the works of

scientists on the formation of cognitive interest;
- analyze the available

manuals and programs for styling;
- develop an author's program for teaching children
Objectives of the study: - to analyze the works of scientists on the formation of cognitive interest;-

Слайд 4The present thesis is devoted to the image and its

transformation, and modification in decorative art. Throughout history, the same

images change along with culture, religions and way of life. With them, our perception of them is also changing. Historical and original origins are forgotten, distorted, and change meaning. This is inevitable, especially in the current incredibly fast rhythm of life. However, cultural contexts and continuity in decorative art and their images is an important part that cannot be discarded as simply as a relic of the past. This is still an important part and it is important to interest, to make this clear through working with students. Show that nothing comes from anywhere and history can make images deeper and more expressive.
The present thesis is devoted to the image and its transformation, and modification in decorative art. Throughout

Слайд 5Practice:
I took practice at my job.
On it we

studied images known from books, games and animation images, and

tried to look at them in a new way, leaving from the usual images and images imposed by media culture and environment and giving the will of imagination.

Practice:  I took practice at my job. On it we studied images known from books, games

Слайд 6My Practice:

My Practice:

Слайд 7My Practice:
Scientist cat

My Practice: Scientist cat

Слайд 8My Practice:

My Practice:

Слайд 9My Practice:

My Practice:

Слайд 10My Practice:
It was quite interesting to observe that younger groups,

cope with this task more easily than older children, who

already have certain stereotypes and personal preferences.
However, both are more interested to work on the images of the characters he knows who are loved by them, than to imagine on abstract images.

My Practice:It was quite interesting to observe that younger groups, cope with this task more easily than

Слайд 11Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!

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