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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakh Ablai

Project work № 1 Module : Theoretical Phonetics, 2d year students Instructors : Alibaeva G.K., dotsent, Zhumabekova G.B., cand. of Pedagogy,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages
Teacher Training

Faculty of Foreign Languages
“The Project work is admitted to defense”
____________ Chairperson of Speech Practice Department
G.B. Zhumabekova

Theme: “Phonetics as a science”
Speciality: “5B011900-Foreign Languages: two foreign languages”
Executed by: N.Sacpanova
The scientific supervisor:
Candidate of
Pedagogical sciences: G.B.Zhumabekova
Almaty, 2013

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of KazakhstanKazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and

Слайд 2Project work № 1
Module : Theoretical Phonetics, 2d year students

Instructors : Alibaeva G.K., dotsent,

Zhumabekova G.B., cand. of Pedagogy, dotsent
Topic : Phonetics as a science.

Form of control : Presentation

Connection with other topics :
Branches of phonetics
Methods of investigation
The Articulatory aspect of speech sounds
Speech mechanisms
Project work № 1 Module : Theoretical Phonetics, 2d year students Instructors : Alibaeva G.K., dotsent,

Слайд 3Stages:

Preparation :
Define the aim and objectives of the topic
Analyze the

view points of linguists on classification of vowels / consonants.

Learn and master the phonetics as a science. See all the aspects and functions of phonetics and presented in the form of project work.

Creative :
See all the aspects and functions of phonetics and presented in the form of project work.
Stages:Preparation :Define the aim and objectives of the topicAnalyze the view points of linguists on classification of

Слайд 4Phonetics
as a science

Phonetics as a science

Слайд 5Plan:
Phonetics as a science, its aim and definition. 2 systems:

segmental; suprasegmental.
Its connection with other linguistic and non – linguistic

Theoretical and practical significance of phonetics
Divisions of phonetics
Aspects of phonetics
Branches of phonetics
Methods of investigation

Plan:Phonetics as a science, its aim and definition. 2 systems: segmental; suprasegmental.Its connection with other linguistic and

Слайд 7The term phonetics derived from the Greek two words:

(phone) meaning sound, voice;
(ta phonetica) meaning matters pertaining to

the voice, the science of the voice.
The term phonetics derived from the Greek two words:  (phone) meaning sound, voice; (ta phonetica) meaning

Слайд 8It should be noted that phonetics is not a separate

independent science.

It should be noted that phonetics is not a separate independent science.

Слайд 9Types of phonetics:
Special phonetics
General phonetics
Descriptive phonetics
Historical phonetics
Comparative phonetics

Types of phonetics:Special phoneticsGeneral phoneticsDescriptive phoneticsHistorical phoneticsComparative phonetics

Слайд 10 - Special phonetics is concerned with the study of phonetics

system of a concrete language.
- General phonetics is apart of

General Linguistics.
- Descriptive phonetics studies the phonetics system of a certain language.
- Special phonetics is concerned with the study of phonetics system of a concrete language.	- General phonetics

Слайд 11- Historical phonetics which studies the changes a sound undergoes

in the development of a language and language.
- Comparative –

Typological phonetics studies the phonetics features of two or more language of different system.
- Historical phonetics which studies the changes a sound undergoes in the development of a language and

Слайд 12It is a branches of linguistics, like the other branches,

such as lexicology and grammar. These linguistics sciences study language

from three different points of view:
It is a branches of linguistics, like the other branches, such as lexicology and grammar. These linguistics

Слайд 13 Firstly, lexicology deals with the vocabulary of a language;

Secondly, with the origin and development of words;

Thirdly, with

their meaning and with word-building.
Firstly, lexicology deals with the vocabulary of a language; Secondly, with the origin and development of

Слайд 14The phonetics is connected with grammar
Grammar defines the rules governing

the modification of words and the combination of words into


Language is the most important means of human intercourse. Language is the at same directly connected with thought.
The phonetics is connected with grammarGrammar defines the rules governing the modification of words and the combination

Слайд 15Through the system of rules of reading phonetics is connected

with grammar and helps to pronounce correctly singular and plural

forms of nouns, the past tense forms and past participles of English regular verbs, e.g.
/d/ is pronounced after voiced consonants (beg-begged);
/t/ - after voiceless consonants (wish-wished);
/id/ - after /t/ (wanted-wanted)
Through the system of rules of reading phonetics is connected with grammar and helps to pronounce correctly

Слайд 16All the branches of phonetics are closely connected not only

with one another and linguistic sciences as grammar, lexicology and

BUT also with non-linguistic science.
For example, acoustic phonetics is connected with:
All the branches of phonetics are closely connected not only with one another and linguistic sciences as

Слайд 17Physiological phonetics is connected with:
Historical phonetics is connected with:
General history;

history of the people whose language is studied: it is

also connected with archeology.
Physiological phonetics is connected with:Physiology;Anatomy;Anthology;Historical phonetics is connected with:General history;The history of the people whose language is

Слайд 18The branches of phonetics
Articulatory (physiological)
Perceptive (auditory)

The branches of phonetics Articulatory (physiological) Perceptive (auditory) Acoustic Functional

Слайд 19 Articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech is

made with the mouth, tongue and lungs.
Acoustic phonetics is the

study of how speech sounds acoustically, such as speech frequency and harmonics.
Auditory phonetics is the study of how speech is perceived by the brain.
Functional phonetics presupposes investigating the discriminatory function of speech sounds.

Articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech is made with the mouth, tongue and lungs.Acoustic

Слайд 24Articulatory Phonetics
The production of any speech sound involves the

movement of an air stream.
Most speech sounds are produced by

pushing the air out of the lungs through the mouth (oral) and sometimes through the nose (nasal).
Articulatory Phonetics deals with how the sounds are produced.
Articulatory Phonetics The production of any speech sound involves the movement of an air stream.Most speech sounds

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