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Modern Japan

Japan Review Tokyo is the capital of JapanMore than 35 million of people live thereThe most important citiesTokyo (35 441 287)Osaka (17 294 189)Nagoya (6 452 190)

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Слайд 1Modern Japan

Modern Japan

Слайд 2Japan Review
Tokyo is the capital of Japan

More than 35 million

of people live there

The most important cities
Tokyo (35 441 287)

(17 294 189)
Nagoya (6 452 190)

Japan Review Tokyo is the capital of JapanMore than 35 million of people live thereThe most important

Слайд 3Japan Review

Official language is Japanese (nihongo)

Korean and Chinese languages

are also spoken in the country

English is essential for business

Japan Review Official language is Japanese (nihongo)Korean and Chinese languages are also spoken in the countryEnglish is

Слайд 4Japan Review
Алина Мещерякова

Japan ReviewАлина Мещерякова

Слайд 5Japan Review
The country consists ot 6852 islands but most of

them are not populated

Japan will lose 30% of its population

over the next 50 years

Japan ReviewThe country consists ot 6852 islands but most of them are not populatedJapan will lose 30%

Слайд 6Japan Review
Japanese culture
The written form of this language:
Roman Alphabets and

Chinese Characters.
 Religion: Shintoism and Buddhism (84%), other 16% (including Christian

Arts and crafts: tea ceremony, flower arranging and dance.

Japan Review Japanese cultureThe written form of this language:Roman Alphabets and Chinese Characters. Religion: Shintoism and Buddhism (84%),

Слайд 7Japan Review
Никитина Елена

Japan Review Никитина Елена

Слайд 8Japan Review
Акименко Данил

Japan Review Акименко Данил

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