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MODULE 5 Alternators ver : 1.01

Electro Magnetic Induction

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1MODULE 5 Alternators ver: 1.01
1. Construction of brushless generator
2. Excitation

System /AVR/parallel work
3. Maintenance of Generator
4. Trouble shooting (Generator and

el. equipment.)
5. ACB ( construction/maintenance/trouble shooting)
MODULE 5 Alternators ver: 1.01 1. Construction of brushless generator2. Excitation System /AVR/parallel work3. Maintenance of Generator4.

Слайд 2Electro Magnetic Induction

Electro Magnetic Induction

Слайд 31. Construction of brushless Generator

1. Construction of brushless Generator

Слайд 4Rotating parts of Alternator: Poles, Exciter and Rectifier

Rotating parts of Alternator: Poles, Exciter and Rectifier

Слайд 52. Excitation System/ AVR
Voltage Regulator

2. Excitation System/ AVRVoltage RegulatorAVR

Слайд 6Excitation system of Generator Nishishiba
Exciter compensate voltage drop of generator

under load condition and provides parallel operation of generators

Excitation system of Generator NishishibaExciter compensate voltage drop of generator under load condition and provides parallel operation

Слайд 7Parallel work of Generators
Servomotor is responsible for active power sharing

to check servomotor performance & proper adjustment? Change the speed

of idling DG manually from MSB sinchro panel and check the time with stop watch: 1Hz – 10sec
AVR is responsible for voltage drop compensation and take part in reactive power sharing

Parallel work of GeneratorsServomotor is responsible for active power sharingHow to check servomotor performance & proper adjustment?

Слайд 8Cross Current Compensation Circuit

Cross Current Compensation Circuit

Слайд 93 Maintenance of Generator
Check Tightness of


3 Maintenance of Generator   Check  Tightness of Terminals

Слайд 10Replace Air Filters every 500HRS

Replace Air Filters every 500HRS

Слайд 11Clean Inside

Clean Inside

Слайд 12Final Condition after cleaning

Final Condition after cleaning

Слайд 13Check condition of all automatic controls
Constantly check servomotor, AC/DC converter

& speed relay condition
Check performance of cable lying on diesel

Check condition of all automatic controlsConstantly check servomotor, AC/DC converter & speed relay conditionCheck performance of cable

Слайд 14Damage of cables by sharp braket
Rust Powder shows Damaged Cable

Damage of cables by sharp braket Rust Powder shows Damaged Cable

Слайд 154. Trouble shooting (Generator and supporting El. Equipment)
Servomotor or

it’s AC/DC converter failure.
Proximity sensor or speed relay failure.
In case

of excitation system located on generator - damage of wire insulation due to vibration
Loosening of terminal lugs
Loosening & movement of poles of Generator
Damage of cables if not proper fixed on diesel

Trouble cases are:

4. Trouble shooting (Generator and supporting El. Equipment) Servomotor or it’s AC/DC converter failure.Proximity sensor or speed

Proper maintenance carried out in time:
Ensures good performance of

all electrical equipment
Prevents some troubles in future

ATTENTION!Proper maintenance carried out in time: Ensures good performance of all electrical equipment Prevents some troubles in

Слайд 174. Air Circuit Breaker

4. Air Circuit Breaker

Слайд 18Construction & features

Construction & features

Слайд 20Multy-Protective Characteristics:
PRE-TRIP (Preferential Trip) yellow lines 50 sec < T

< 3 min 0.85 Io (of rated current) 

(Long Time Delay) blue line – time depends on current  
STD (Short Time Delay) dark blue 3.5 Io
T = 1000, 400, & 80 mS
INST (INSTANT TRIP) violet line. Short circuit current 8.0 Io
Multy-Protective Characteristics:PRE-TRIP (Preferential Trip) yellow lines 50 sec < T < 3 min  0.85 Io

Слайд 21ACB protective device adjustments
EC-1 p. 28

ACB protective device adjustments EC-1 p. 28

Слайд 22Maintenance of ACB
For easy maintenance and testing all ACB has

Draw out construction with intermediate TEST position (main circuit is

Maintenance of ACBFor easy maintenance and testing all ACB has Draw out construction with intermediate TEST position

Withdraw ACB only in OPEN condition to prevent serious

damage on equipment

TROUBLE SHOOTINGWithdraw ACB only in OPEN condition to prevent serious damage on equipment

mv Swift Ace ACB Trouble


mv Swift Ace ACB Trouble


mv Swift Ace ACB Trouble

Crew removed ACB’s front cover

and manually open ACB

TROUBLE SHOOTINGmv Swift Ace ACB TroubleCrew removed ACB’s front cover and manually open ACB


Don’t forget to reset pushbutton “ACB trouble” on Generator


If manual open/closing of ACB impossible - the problem

inside ACB

In other cases try to withdraw and insert the unit and then check remote controls of ACB
TROUBLE SHOOTINGDon’t forget to reset pushbutton “ACB trouble” on Generator panel If manual open/closing of ACB impossible

Слайд 28Thank you very much

Thank you very much

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