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Moscow Underground

The Scheme of the Underground

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Moscow Underground

Moscow Underground

Слайд 2The Scheme of the Underground

The Scheme of the Underground

Слайд 3The earliest projects of building Moscow Underground appeared in 1875.

The engineers wanted to build the road through the Red

Square not under the ground but от the surface of it. But the project failed.

Crazy idea.

The earliest projects of building Moscow Underground appeared in 1875. The engineers wanted to build the road

Слайд 4On 15 of June 1931 it was decided to build

the Moscow Underground to improve the traffic situation in the

city. Moscow Metro was opened on 15 May 1935 . The road was 11 km long and had 13 stations.

The problem of traffic jam was decided.

On 15 of June 1931 it was decided to build the Moscow Underground to improve the traffic

Слайд 5There is no such a magnificent underground in the world.

Look at the Komsomolskaya station.
Modern Architectural Masterpiece

There is no such a magnificent underground in the world. Look at the Komsomolskaya station.Modern Architectural Masterpiece

Слайд 6On the walls of more than twenty stations you can

see various fossils . There you can find a nautilus

shell , ammonites and other prehistoric shellfish.

Traces from Ancient Times

On the walls of more than twenty stations you can see various fossils . There you can

Слайд 7The deepest station — "Park Pobedy" (84 m)
The underground

station located closest to the surface of the earth —

The longest stage — Krylatskoe — Strogino (6625 m) The longest escalator — 126,8 m, lifting height of 63.4 m "Park Pobedy“The longest period from the beginning of construction of the station prior to its opening — 39 years (station "Spartak“)


The deepest station —

Слайд 8Vorobyovy Gory
The longest station (the length of the platform) —

Vorobyovy Gory (282 m) is located on the bridge over

the river Moscow.

Vorobyovy GoryThe longest station (the length of the platform) — Vorobyovy Gory (282 m) is located on

Слайд 9Metro station “Taganskaya” (Таганская) in Moscow is located at a distance about

2.3 kilometers to east from the Kremlin and Red Square.

It opened on 1 January 1950. Magnificent underground station.
Metro station “Taganskaya” (Таганская) in Moscow is located at a distance about 2.3 kilometers to east from the Kremlin

Слайд 10Novokuznetskaya (Russian: Новокузнецкая) is one of the most beautiful metro

stations in Moscow.
Novokuznetskaya (Russian: Новокузнецкая) is a Moscow Metro station on the Zamoskvoretskaya

Line. The station was opened on November 20, 1943. 
Novokuznetskaya (Russian: Новокузнецкая) is one of the most beautiful metro stations in Moscow. Novokuznetskaya (Russian: Новокузнецкая) is

Слайд 11Moscow underground is still the leader of speed . Speed

of trains can reach up to 90 km / h

, and the interval between trains - 90 seconds.
Moscow tube is the most beautiful in the world. Its beauty is recognized by people all over the world.

Our Great Invention

Moscow underground is still the leader of speed . Speed of trains can reach up to 90

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