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MSCA Marie S kłodo wska -Curie Actions in H2020 Kyiv, October 2014 Olha


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Слайд 1MSCA

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
in H2020

Kyiv, October 2014

Olha Dzubinska
Research Executive Agency


MSCA  Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in H2020  Kyiv, October 2014Olha DzubinskaResearch Executive AgencyEuropean Commission

Слайд 2Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020

Слайд 3Excellence

Education and Culture
MSCA in H2020

ExcellenceResearch Training Skills	Mobility	Education  and CultureMSCA in H2020

Слайд 4MSCA Objectives
Excellent Science part

MSCA objective
Ensure the optimum development and

dynamic use of Europe’s intellectual capital in order to generate

new skills and innovation

Fostering new skills through excellent initial training of researchers
Nurturing excellence through cross-border and cross-sector mobility
Stimulating innovation through cross-fertilisation of knowledge
Increasing structural impact by co-funding the activities
Specific support and policy action

Total budget (2014-2020): € 6.126 billion (current prices)


MSCA ObjectivesExcellent Science partMSCA objective Ensure the optimum development and dynamic use of Europe’s intellectual capital in

Слайд 5MSCA Objectives
Attract and retain research talent in Europe
Develop state-of-the-art, innovative

training schemes, consistent with the requirements of R&I
Promote sustainable career

development in R&I
Focus on delivering new knowledge and skills
Back up strong partnership with MS via co-funding mechanism

MSCA Objectives


MSCA ObjectivesAttract and retain research talent in EuropeDevelop state-of-the-art, innovative training schemes, consistent with the requirements of

Слайд 6Education and Culture
Open to all domains of R&I from basic

to market
Entirely bottom-up
Participation of non-academic sector strongly encouraged
Mobility key

requirement - funding condition: participants move
Promotion of attractive working and employment conditions
Particular attention to gender balance
Public engagement of supported researchers

MSCA : Key features


Education  and CultureOpen to all domains of R&I from basic to market Entirely bottom-upParticipation of non-academic

Слайд 7Who, what and where?
Who? All levels of research experience from

PhD up
What? All areas of research are supported: bottom-up approach

Anywhere: any research performing organisation, public or private worldwide - there are actions for European and international mobility
How? EU contribution based on unit costs calculated on the basis of the number of researcher-months:
Allowances for researcher (living, mobility and family all)
Unit costs for research, training and networking
Unit costs for management and overheads


Who, what and where?Who? All levels of research experience from PhD upWhat? All areas of research are

Слайд 8MSCA
Action 1 ITN
Early-stage Researchers
Action 2 IF

Experienced Researchers

Action 3 RISE Exchange of Staff



Innovative Training Networks

Support for doctoral and early-stage training
European Training Networks, European Industrial Doctorates, European Joint Doctorates

Individual Fellowships
Support for experienced researchers undertaking international and inter-sector mobility: European Fellowships and Global Fellowships
Dedicated support for career restart and reintegration

Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
International and inter-sector cooperation through the exchange of staff

Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes
- Doctoral programmes
- Fellowship programmes





MSCA in Horizon 2020:
4 Actions

MSCAAction 1 ITN Early-stage ResearchersAction 2 IF    Experienced ResearchersAction 3 RISE

Слайд 9MSCA calls
Yearly calls (first calls – RISE and ITN opened

in December 2013 - launch of the Horizon 2020)
2014-2015: 10

calls foreseen -> one call per each MSC action / per year +
one call covering 2 years of Researchers' Night
one covering 2 years of NCP
Application through the Participant portal

National Contact Points to help with application


MSCA callsCalls:Yearly calls (first calls – RISE and ITN opened in December 2013 - launch of the

Слайд 10MSCA
MSCA calls


Слайд 11MSCA
Academic sector: public or private HEI awarding academic degrees, public

or private non-profit research organisations, international European interest organisations
Non-academic sector:

any socio-economic actor not included in academic sector definition
Beneficiaries => signatories of GA
Partner organisations => not signing GA
Categories of researchers: ESR & ER – in line with FP7 approach
Full time research equivalent & mobility rule – following FP7 approach
Staff members in RISE: researchers, innovators, managers, administrative and technical staff supporting research & innovation activities of the project
MSCADefinitionsAcademic sector: public or private HEI awarding academic degrees, public or private non-profit research organisations, international European

Слайд 12Support the fellows
ITN: Innovative Training Networks: support for doctoral and

early-stage training
Researchers supported apply to a project
IF: Individual Fellowships: support

for experienced researchers undertaking international mobility
Researchers supported apply to directly to a call for proposals


Addressed to whom?

Support the fellowsITN: Innovative Training Networks: support for doctoral and early-stage trainingResearchers supported apply to a projectIF:

Слайд 13Support institutions or national and regional funding organisations
RISE: International and

inter-sector cooperation through the exchange of staff
Researchers supported are

already in the institutions
COFUND: co-funding of regional, national and international doctoral and fellowship programmes
Researchers supported apply to a call cofunded by the MSCA


Addressed to whom?

Support institutions or national and regional funding organisationsRISE: International and inter-sector cooperation through the exchange of staff

Слайд 14Which actions are suited for me?
Depends on experience and type

of mobility

Which actions are suited for me?MSCADepends on experience and type of mobility

Слайд 15Support for two categories of researchers:
Early Stage Researcher: Less than

4 years of research experience*, and without a doctoral degree

Experienced Researcher: In possession of a doctoral degree or at least 4 years of research experience* (pos-tdoc)
*counted from the time when the individual is entitled to embark on a doctoral degree

All scientific and technological fields are supported!


Support for two categories of researchers: Early Stage Researcher: Less than 4 years of research experience*, and

Слайд 16Support for two types of mobility:
European: based in Europe for

fellowship ie: moving within Europe or from outside Europe into


Global: based in an institution outside of Europe ie: moving from Europe to a country outside of Europe
NB compulsory return phase of one year (fully funded)


Support for two types of mobility: European: based in Europe for fellowship ie: moving within Europe or

Слайд 172 ways to be supported:
1. Apply for your own fellowship


2. Apply to a project

2 ways to be supported:1. Apply for your own fellowshipor 2. Apply to a projectMSCA

Слайд 181. Apply for your own fellowship

Directly to the Marie Skłodowska

Curie Actions
 Post-doc level only

1. Apply for your own fellowshipDirectly to the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions  Post-doc level onlyMSCA

Слайд 19MSCA
IF – European and Global

MSCAIF – European and Global

Слайд 20IF: Post-doctoral fellowships for outstanding researchers

For experienced researchers
In possession of

a doctoral degree, or have 4 years of full-time research

experience at the time of the call deadline
Two types depending on the mobility of the researcher
Within Europe - European Fellowships
Outside Europe - Global Fellowships


IF: Post-doctoral fellowships for outstanding researchersFor experienced researchersIn possession of a doctoral degree, or have 4 years

Слайд 21IF: Post-doctoral fellowships for outstanding researchers
enhance the creative and

innovative potential of experienced researchers
opportunities to acquire new knowledge,

work on research projects in a European context or outside Europe, resume a career or return to Europe
Individual, trans-national fellowships awarded to the best or most promising researchers
Career Restart Panel and Reintegration Panel


IF: Post-doctoral fellowships for outstanding researchersObjective enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers opportunities to

Слайд 22MSCA
IF – Main features
Budget: € 240.50 Million in 2014 (Global

Fellowships: 29 Mio) € 213 Million in 2015 (Global

Fellowships: 27 Mio)
Duration of projects: 2 years (IF Global: 3 years)
Support to experienced researchers of any nationality (IF Global: nationals of EU MS/AC & long-term residents)
Focus on career development, not necessarily experience
Additional 3 or 6 month secondment option, within Europe & in another sector
Separate multidisciplinary panels for CAR & Reintegration
MSCAIF – Main featuresBudget: € 240.50 Million in 2014 (Global Fellowships: 29 Mio)  		 € 213

Слайд 23MSCA
IF – Main features

International mobility within or into Member States

(MS) and Associated Countries (AC)
Experienced researchers of any nationality

must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the host organisation for more then 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline

MSCAIF – Main featuresInternational mobility within or into Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC)Experienced researchers of

Слайд 24IF – Main features
Global Fellowships Researchers:

International mobility from Member States

(MS) and Associated Countries (AC) to a 3rd country and

Support to experienced researchers of any nationality: nationals of EU countries and long-term residents
Applicants must comply with the mobility rule:
Must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the 3rd country organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline


IF – Main featuresGlobal Fellowships Researchers:International mobility from Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) to a

Слайд 25IF – Overview

IF – OverviewMSCA

Слайд 26MSCA
IF – Financial

MSCAIF – Financial

Слайд 27MSCA
Call open

Opened: 12 March 2014
Closes: 11 September 2014
@ 17:00:00


MSCACall openOpened: 12 March 2014Closes: 11 September 2014 @ 17:00:00 CET

Слайд 28MSCA
Apply for your own fellowship

To a cofunded call for proposals 

currently post-doc level only  2015 onwards: post-doc and pre-doc

MSCAApply for your own fellowshipTo a cofunded call for proposals   currently post-doc level only 

Слайд 29COFUND – what?
Stimulating regional, national and international programmes to foster

Spreading best practices of MSCA in terms of international mobility,

research training, career development
Doctoral programmes and Fellowship programmes
Sole beneficiary responsible for matching funds
Use of unit costs
Contribution possible from EU regional funds


COFUND – what?Stimulating regional, national and international programmes to foster excellenceSpreading best practices of MSCA in terms

Слайд 30COFUND – what for?
stimulate regional, national or international programmes to

foster excellence in researchers' training, mobility and career development

intersectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as transnational and cross-sector mobility of researchers at all stages of their career
Possibilities of synergies with structural funds
Opportunities for researchers from all countries
Researchers to comply with the mobility rules of the MSCA
Open and transparent recruitment, vacancies widely publicised
Expected Impact
exploit synergies between EU actions and regional, national, and international level
leverage funding and combat fragmentation

MSCA to foster excellence throughout Europe


COFUND – what for?Objectivestimulate regional, national or international programmes to foster excellence in researchers' training, mobility and

Слайд 31MSCA
COFUND - legal
Legal entities (public & private) established in MS

or AC & international European interest organisations

MSCACOFUND - legalMono-beneficiaryLegal entities (public & private) established in MS or AC & international European interest organisations

Слайд 32COFUND – financial
Budget: € 80 Million in 2014 (Doctoral Programmes:

30 Mio) € 80 Million in 2015 (Doctoral Programmes:

30 Mio)
Maximum € 10 Million per single applicant per call
Duration of projects: maximum 5 years
Fellowships: minimum 3 months
EU contribution to cover living allowances for researchers and management costs
50% co-funding for established unit costs
Minimum living allowance fixed in the WP


COFUND – financialBudget: € 80 Million in 2014 (Doctoral Programmes: 30 Mio)  		 € 80 Million

Слайд 33MSCA
COFUND – how?
How to apply for a fellowship:

Known calls

are always listed on the Marie Curie Website
Future calls

must be advertised there also
Eligibility depends on the call - consult the documentation carefully
Funding levels depend on the call but are within a range pre-approved by the MSCA
!!! Check the website frequently !!!

MSCACOFUND – how?How to apply for a fellowship: Known calls are always listed on the Marie Curie

Слайд 34MSCA
2. Apply to a project  PhD (also, limited opportunities for first


MSCA2. Apply to a project   PhD  (also, limited opportunities for first post-doc)

Слайд 35Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
Dedicated to early-stage researchers (no experienced researcher

Involving wide partnership of institutions from academic and non-academic sectors

on (currently) 618 FP7 ITN + 43 Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates:
ETN (European Training Networks)
EID (European Industrial Doctorates)
EJD (European Joint Doctorates)
Combining scientific excellence with innovation-oriented approach
Developing entrepreneurship and skills matching research labour market needs
Enhancing employability of researchers

MSCA - main EU programme for structured doctoral training


Innovative Training  Networks (ITN)Dedicated to early-stage researchers (no experienced researcher recruitment)Involving wide partnership of institutions from

Слайд 36MSCA
Research training for PhD & (some) first PostDoc

transnational network in

multi/interdisciplinary and emerging fields
training primarily through research on individual, personalised

research projects
complemented by substantial training modules in key transferable skills
Strong involvement of commercial entities in training

Innovative Training Networks

ITN – what?

MSCAResearch training for PhD & (some) first PostDoctransnational network in multi/interdisciplinary and emerging fieldstraining primarily through research

Слайд 37ITN – Main features
Budget*: € 405.18 Million in 2014

(EID: 25.5 Mio, EJD: 30 Mio) € 370 Million

in 2015 (EID: 25 Mio, EJD 25 Mio)
Duration of projects: max. 4 years
Consortium agreement: required only for EID
Support to early-stage researchers only
Fellowships of 3-36 months
Maximum 540 researcher-months per consortium (180 for EID with 2 partners)
Separate multidisciplinary panels for EID & EJD


* All budget-related details in this presentation are subject to the final decision on MFF

ITN – Main features Budget*: € 405.18 Million in 2014 (EID: 25.5 Mio, EJD: 30 Mio)

Слайд 38ITN – Main features
Consortium applies to MSCA for funding;

consortium then recruits the researchers
leading networks of European and international

3 year PhD training
Max 24 months for post docs
Employment contracts with full social security
Same rights as fellows that apply directly to MSCA for a post-doc


ITN – Main features Consortium applies to MSCA for funding; consortium then recruits the researchersleading networks of

Слайд 39Academia







ITN - consortia

AcademiaNon-academiaAcademiaNon-academiaAcademiaNon-academiaAcademiaNon-academiaAcademiaNon-academiaAcademiaAcademiaAcademiaNon-academiaNon-academiaAcademiaAcademiaNon-academiaITN - consortia

Слайд 40ITN – Main features
How to apply for a fellowship


projects publish their vacancies on the Marie Curie website --

also on NatureJobs
Eligibility criteria depend on level of research experience and mobility
Funding levels defined by the MSCA - gross monthly amounts:
€3110 living allowance (corrected for the cost of living in the country) +
€600 mobility allowance +
€500 family allowance where applicable
!!! Check the website frequently !!!


ITN – Main features How to apply for a fellowshipAll projects publish their vacancies on the Marie

Слайд 41MSCA
Call Open

Opened: 11 December 2013
Closes: 9 April 2014
@ 17:00:00


MSCAITNCall OpenOpened: 11 December 2013Closes: 9 April 2014 @ 17:00:00 CET

Слайд 42MSCA
RISE – Exchanges

MSCANon-academiaNon-academiaNon-academiaAcademiaAcademiaAcademiaMS/ACMS/ACTCRISE – Exchanges

Слайд 43RISE: Minimum Eligibility Conditions
At least 3 independent participants in

3 different countries
At least 2 participants from 2 different

If all in MS/AC: at least 1 academic and 1 non-academic
In practice, 2 possible minimum settings:














RISE: Minimum Eligibility Conditions At least 3 independent participants in 3 different countries At least 2 participants

Слайд 44Eligible Secondments 1

Eligible Secondments 1

Слайд 45Eligible Secondments 2
Europe-Third Countries Exchanges
Secondments from a TC to a

MS/AC are not always eligible for EU funding but all

of them must be described in the proposal.
Eligible Secondments 2Europe-Third Countries ExchangesSecondments from a TC to a MS/AC are not always eligible for EU

Слайд 46Countries Not Eligible For EU Funding
Countries not listed previously are

not eligible for EU funding

In practice, those countries are mainly:

Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Russia, United States.

In very exceptional cases, partners from those countries might be funded. But the following conditions have to be fulfilled:
a) This partner has competences/expertise that no organisation in MS/AC has
b) The relevant transfer of knowledge can only be done via a secondment in the direction TC MS/AC
c) Points a) and b) must be endorsed by the expert evaluators
d) The experts' endorsement (point c) must be confirmed by the REA

Countries Not Eligible For EU FundingCountries not listed previously are not eligible for EU fundingIn practice, those

Слайд 47MSCA
RISE – Main features
Budget: € 70 Million in 2014

€ 80 Million in 2015
Duration of projects: max. 4 years

agreement recommended
Support to secondments of staff members (1-12 months)
No mobility rule required
Eligibility condition for staff members: 6 months at sending institution prior to first secondment
Max. 540 researcher-months /consortium
8 Evaluation panels
MSCARISE – Main featuresBudget: € 70 Million in 2014  		 € 80 Million in 2015Duration of

Слайд 48The minimum length of 1 month is reached if either:

If there is only 1 period of secondment (or several

consecutive ones): the secondment starts on day n of a month (month N) and ends on day n-1 of the next month (month N+1)
b. If there are at least 2 non-consecutives periods of secondment: the duration of the several secondments periods adds up to 30 days

Education and Culture

RISE secondments

The minimum length of 1 month is reached if either:a. If there is only 1 period of

Слайд 49Beneficiaries
Sign the Grant Agreement and claim costs
Are responsible for the

execution of the programme
Are established in a MS/AC

Partner Organisations
Do not

sign the Grant Agreement and do not claim costs
Must include a letter of commitment in the proposal
Are established in a TC

Education and Culture

RISE partnership

BeneficiariesSign the Grant Agreement and claim costsAre responsible for the execution of the programmeAre established in a

Слайд 50- Actively engaged in or linked to research/innovation activities for

at least 6 months prior to first secondment
- Types of

staff members:
ESR (no PhD and < 4 years experience)
ER (PhD or > 4 years experience)
Managerial staff
Administrative or Technical staff
- In-built return mechanism

Education and Culture

RISE staff

- Actively engaged in or linked to research/innovation activities for at least 6 months prior to first

Слайд 51EU Contribution
Unit costs per researcher per month of secondment
For secondments

eligible for funding
*These unit costs are subject to a

funding rate of 100% and no country coefficients apply.
EU ContributionUnit costs per researcher per month of secondmentFor secondments eligible for funding *These unit costs are

Слайд 52MSCA
Call open

Opened: 11 December 2014
Closes: 24 April 2014
@ 17:00:00


MSCARISECall openOpened: 11 December 2014Closes: 24 April 2014 @ 17:00:00 CET

Слайд 53MSCA
EU Contribution: rates HORIZON 2020 –


PROGRAMME 2014-2015
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions –
funding rates per person/month
MSCAEU Contribution: rates HORIZON 2020 –

Слайд 54Proposal submission
In accordance with Evaluation criteria

Excellence (50%)
Implementation (30%)
Impact (20%)

Read call

Respect call provisions
Get advice: from NCPs and others

Proposal submissionIn accordance with Evaluation criteriaExcellence (50%)Implementation (30%)Impact (20%)Read call documentationRespect call provisionsGet advice: from NCPs and

Слайд 55
An overview

FP7 PEOPLE M(S)CA: An overviewMSCA

Слайд 56M(S)CA In FP7…

M(S)CA In FP7…Topics MSCA

Слайд 57Global reach
Requirement in all projects
130 nationalities, 80 countries
M(S)CA in FP7...

Global reachMobilityRequirement in all projects130 nationalities, 80 countriesM(S)CA in FP7...

Слайд 58MCA FP7 Interim Evaluation:
Effectiveness and utility

MCA FP7 Interim Evaluation:Effectiveness and utilityMSCA

Слайд 5986% of the beneficiaries agreed that participation in Marie Curie

projects has strengthened/will strengthen existing collaborations with partner organisations

Marie Curie

Initial Training Networks (including 50 industrial doctorate programmes) leading to around 4 000 new applications for patents or trademarks

MCA FP7 Interim Evaluation:


86% of the beneficiaries agreed that participation in Marie Curie projects has strengthened/will strengthen existing collaborations with

Слайд 60MSCA –
FP7 features kept
Funding levels ~maintained
Broad schemes ~maintained

features (bottom-up, mobility, career development, gender balance, employment conditions) maintained

in implementation
Broader definition of industry involvement: participation of businesses (including SMEs) and other socio-economic actors
Synergies with other parts of H2020 and with Erasmus+


MSCA – FP7 features keptFunding levels ~maintained Broad schemes ~maintainedMain features (bottom-up, mobility, career development, gender balance,

Слайд 61Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Website

Horizon 2020

Participant Portal (applications)


to find information?

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Websitehttp://ec.europa.eu/mariecurieactions Horizon 2020 http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020Participant Portal (applications)http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/page/home MSCAWhere to find information?

Слайд 62www.ec.europa.eu/mariecurieactions
Published vacancies
in funded projects
Calls currently
on Marie Curie

www.ec.europa.eu/mariecurieactionsPublished vacanciesin funded projectsCalls currently open Informationon Marie CurieActions

Слайд 63Experts wanted!

Experts wanted!

Слайд 64




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