Разделы презентаций


Plan of presentation: 1. History 2. Department 3. Location 4. Life in college 5. Lessons and working day

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Performed: Tolstik Pasha and Schur Angelina Group: 1-5 Checked: Masson E.V

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education of the

Republic of Crimea “Evpatoria Medical College”
Performed: Tolstik Pasha and Schur Angelina Group: 1-5  Checked: Masson E.VMY COLLEGEState Autonomous Educational Institution of

Слайд 2Plan of presentation:
1. History 2. Department 3. Location 4. Life in college 5.

Lessons and working day

Plan of presentation: 1. History 2. Department 3. Location  4. Life in college 5. Lessons and

Слайд 3History
The republican institution "Evpatoria Medical College" began its existence

in 1953, as the Evpatoria Medical College. The college got

its modern name in 2005. As then, and now, a medical college is aimed at preparing middle managers for medical institutions of the Republic of Crimea and the Russian Federation. Throughout its existence, a medical college has released thousands of qualified professionals from its walls. I do not want to brag, but after talking at TNU with colleagues, graduates of medical colleges of Ukraine, I can safely say that Yevpatoria provides the highest level of knowledge.
History The republican institution

Слайд 4Photo of our college

Photo of our college

Слайд 5Department
There are two areas of study in our college: 1.

Laboratory diagnostics 2. Nursing
Laboratory diagnostics

DepartmentThere are two areas of study in our college:  1. Laboratory diagnostics  2. NursingLaboratory diagnostics

Слайд 6Department

Department Nursing

Слайд 7Location
The college is located in our wonderful city of

Yevpatoriya on Krupskaya St., 52. If you first got into

the city, then it will be quite difficult for you to find the building itself, since it is hidden behind the buildings of family dormitories. The college building itself is small, consists of 5 floors and stands obliquely compared to other buildings on the street (this is very clearly visible on the map).
Location The college is located in our wonderful city of Yevpatoriya on Krupskaya St., 52. If you

Слайд 8Life in college
College life is in full swing every day.

We learn, practice, learn on the go. There is no

buffet in college, so we have to run to the nearest store. Teachers of the kindest soul are people, no matter how you go to school, but they always meet, some of them use the truth. Sometimes the group and I get out for a walk, the truth is this rarely happens.
Life in collegeCollege life is in full swing every day. We learn, practice, learn on the go.

Слайд 9Life in college

Life in college

Слайд 10Life in college

Life in college

Слайд 11Lessons and working day
At the moment, our lessons begin at

8:30 and end at 15:10, sometimes longer. We have a

list of items, it includes:
Anatomy and human physiology - Leonova Y.V.
IT in professional activities - Golubeva M.S.
Healthy person and his environment - Panchenko L.V.
Pharmacology - Yakovleva V.O.
Physical Culture - Klimovskaya S.G
Pathology - Vedenkov A.L.
English language - Beshtieva E.V. / Masson E.V.
Philosophy - T. Khazanova
The culture of speech in professional communication - Kameneva E.V.
Technologies for the provision of medical services - Alishina Y.A. / Shipitsyna L.V.
Lessons and working dayAt the moment, our lessons begin at 8:30 and end at 15:10, sometimes longer.

Слайд 12Shipitsyna L.V.

Golubeva M.S.

Shipitsyna L.V.          Golubeva M.S.

Слайд 13T. Khazanova

Masson E.V.

T. Khazanova           Masson E.V.

Слайд 14Klimovskaya S.G Panchenko


Klimovskaya S.G        Panchenko L.V.

Слайд 15And that’s all what we want to say you! Good

luck and thanks for watching!

And that’s all what we want to say you! Good luck and thanks for watching!

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