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Ohio eye retina treatment

CRAO / BRAOMost people know that high blood pressure and other heart diseases pose risks to your overall health. But many do not know that that high blood pressure can affect

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Слайд 1Ohio eye retina treatment

Ohio eye retina treatment

Слайд 2CRAO / BRAO
Most people know that high blood pressure and

other heart diseases pose risks to your overall health. But

many do not know that that high blood pressure can affect vision by damaging the arteries in the eye.
CRAO / BRAOMost people know that high blood pressure and other heart diseases pose risks to your

Слайд 4Who Is At Risk for a Retinal Artery Occlusion (RAO)?

are more likely to have an RAO than women. The

disease is most commonly found in people in their '60s. Having certain diseases increases your risk of RAO. These include:

Cardiovascular disease;
High cholesterol;
High blood pressure; and
Narrowing of the carotid arteries.

Who Is At Risk for a Retinal Artery Occlusion (RAO)?Men are more likely to have an RAO

Слайд 5Treatment of a Retinal Artery Occlusion
Several treatments may be tried

but none have ever been proven to help consistently. These

treatments must be given within a few hours after symptoms begin to be helpful. Some patients regain vision after a retinal artery occlusion, although vision is often not as good as it was before. In some cases, vision loss can be permanent.


Treatment of a Retinal Artery OcclusionSeveral treatments may be tried but none have ever been proven to

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