Разделы презентаций

Order of adjectives

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Order of adjectives

Order of adjectives

Слайд 2Order of Adjectives

Order of Adjectives

Слайд 3Put the adjectives in order.
A -------------------- car.
Italian/ sports/ fantastic
fantastic Italian


Put the adjectives in order.A -------------------- car.Italian/ sports/ fantasticfantastic Italian sports

Слайд 4Put the adjectives in order.
A ------------------ teacher.
French/ nice/ old
nice old


Put the adjectives in order.A ------------------ teacher.French/ nice/ oldnice old French

Слайд 5Put the adjectives in order.
A ------------------ clock.
alarm/ red/ small
small red


Put the adjectives in order.A ------------------ clock.alarm/ red/ smallsmall red alarm

Слайд 6Put the adjectives in order.
An ------------------ chair.
wooden/ old/ rocking
old wooden


Put the adjectives in order.An ------------------ chair.wooden/ old/ rockingold wooden rocking

Слайд 7Put the adjectives in order.
A ------------------ dress.
Cotton/ pretty/ yellow
pretty yellow


Put the adjectives in order.A ------------------ dress.Cotton/ pretty/ yellowpretty yellow cotton

Слайд 8Put the adjectives in order.
An -------------------- bowl.
Old/ interesting/ African
interesting old


Put the adjectives in order.An -------------------- bowl.Old/ interesting/ Africaninteresting old African

Слайд 9Put the adjectives in order.
A ------------------ jacket.
Black/ leather/ smart
smart black


Put the adjectives in order.A ------------------ jacket.Black/ leather/ smartsmart black leather

Слайд 10Put the adjectives in order.
A ------------------ boat.
Red/ sailing/ beautiful
beautiful red


Put the adjectives in order.A ------------------ boat.Red/ sailing/ beautifulbeautiful red sailing

Слайд 11Put the adjectives in order.
---------------------- grapes.
Chilean/ delicious/ green
Delicious green


Put the adjectives in order. ---------------------- grapes.Chilean/ delicious/ greenDelicious green Chilean

Слайд 12Put the adjectives in order.
A ------------------ chair.
Plastic/blue/ strange
strange blue plastic

Put the adjectives in order.A ------------------ chair.Plastic/blue/ strangestrange blue plastic

Слайд 13Thank you 
Samieh Pourlahiji

Thank you  Samieh Pourlahiji

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