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Park Live Festival

Park Live is an annual international music festival, which takes place in Moscow, Russia. The first festival was held at the All-Russia Exhibition Centre for three days from the 28th to the 30th of June. The

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Слайд 1Park Live Festival

Park Live Festival

Слайд 2Park Live is an annual international music festival, which takes place in Moscow,

Russia. The first festival was held at the All-Russia Exhibition Centre for

three days from the 28th to the 30th of June. The event was headlined by Limp Bizkit, The Killers, and Zemfira. The festival attracted around twenty-five to thirty thousand visitors.

Park Live is an annual international music festival, which takes place in Moscow, Russia. The first festival was held at

Слайд 3The festival is only five years old but is already

considered a cult event thanks to its enduringly rich program.

It has already hosted RHCP, The Kills, Lana Del Ray, Muse and other musicians. In total, 50 foreign and Russian musicians have played at the summer festival, with some performing in Russia for the first time. This is also a good venue for those who want to hear the best of Russian rock music, since it invites legendary bands and young talents.
The festival is only five years old but is already considered a cult event thanks to its

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