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Passenger traffic at Moscow airports in August grew by almost 1.5 times

Passenger traffic at Moscow airports in August amounted to 5.79 million people, which is almost 1.5 times higher than in July, follows from the data of the Federal Air Transport

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Слайд 1Passenger traffic at Moscow airports in August grew by almost

1.5 times compared to July

Tyurin Alexandr

Passenger traffic at Moscow airports in August grew by almost 1.5 times compared to JulyTyurin Alexandr3733802/02604

Слайд 2 Passenger traffic at Moscow airports in August amounted to

5.79 million people, which is almost 1.5 times higher than

in July, follows from the data of the Federal Air Transport Agency.
At the same time, in comparison with last year, passenger traffic has almost halved - last year in August, Moscow airports served 11 million people.
From January to August, Moscow airports served 31.25 million passengers, which is 54.4% less than a year earlier. Sheremetyevo's passenger traffic amounted to 31.31 million people.
Why this happened and how it affects the business?
It happened because of the partial removing of restrictions, occurred by the coronavirus pandemic, as a result, people are able to use airport services.
The airport business will breathe freely and bring income until the next prohibitions won’t be integrated.

Passenger traffic at Moscow airports in August amounted to 5.79 million people, which is almost 1.5

Слайд 3Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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