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Physics: “Energy, Dark Energy” Done by: Auezova Anel Duysenbekkyzy


Nature of EnergyEnergy is all around you!You can hear energy as sound.You can see energy as light.And you can feel it as wind.

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Слайд 1Physics:
“Energy, Dark Energy”
Done by: Auezova Anel

Duysenbekkyzy Zhansaya

Sarsenbaeva Asel
Olzhasov Ilzhan

Physics:“Energy, Dark Energy”Done by: Auezova Anel        Duysenbekkyzy Zhansaya

Слайд 2Nature of Energy
Energy is all around you!
You can hear energy

as sound.
You can see energy as light.
And you can feel

it as wind.
Nature of EnergyEnergy is all around you!You can hear energy as sound.You can see energy as light.And

Слайд 3Nature of Energy
You use energy when you:
hit a softball.
lift your

book bag.
compress a spring.

Nature of EnergyYou use energy when you:hit a softball.lift your book bag.compress a spring.

Слайд 4Nature of Energy
Living organisms need energy for growth and movement.

Nature of EnergyLiving organisms need energy for growth and movement.

Слайд 5Nature of Energy
Energy is involved when:
a bird flies.
a bomb explodes.

falls from the sky.
electricity flows in a wire.

Nature of EnergyEnergy is involved when:a bird flies.a bomb explodes.rain falls from the sky.electricity flows in a

Слайд 6Nature of Energy
What is energy that it can be involved

in so many different activities?
Energy can be defined as the

ability to do work.
If an object or organism does work (exerts a force over a distance to move an object) the object or organism uses energy.
Nature of EnergyWhat is energy that it can be involved in so many different activities?Energy can be

Слайд 7Nature of Energy
Because of the direct connection between energy and

work, energy is measured in the same unit as work:

joules (J).
In addition to using energy to do work, objects gain energy because work is being done on them.
Nature of EnergyBecause of the direct connection between energy and work, energy is measured in the same

Слайд 8Forms of Energy
The five main forms of energy are:

Forms of EnergyThe five main forms of energy are:HeatChemicalElectromagneticNuclearMechanical

Слайд 9Heat Energy
The internal motion of the atoms is called heat

energy, because moving particles produce heat.
Heat energy can be produced

by friction.
Heat energy causes changes in temperature and phase of any form of matter.
Heat EnergyThe internal motion of the atoms is called heat energy, because moving particles produce heat.Heat energy

Слайд 10Chemical Energy
Chemical Energy is required to bond atoms together.
And when

bonds are broken, energy is released.

Chemical EnergyChemical Energy is required to bond atoms together.And when bonds are broken, energy is released.

Слайд 11Chemical Energy

Fuel and food are forms of stored chemical energy.

Chemical EnergyFuel and food are forms of stored chemical energy.

Слайд 12Electromagnetic Energy
Power lines carry electromagnetic energy into your home in

the form of electricity.

Electromagnetic EnergyPower lines carry electromagnetic energy into your home in the form of electricity.

Слайд 13Electromagnetic Energy
Light is a form of electromagnetic energy.
Each color of

light (Roy G Bv) represents a different amount of electromagnetic

Electromagnetic Energy is also carried by X-rays, radio waves, and laser light.
Electromagnetic EnergyLight is a form of electromagnetic energy.Each color of light (Roy G Bv) represents a different

Слайд 14Nuclear Energy
The nucleus of an atom is the source of

nuclear energy.

Nuclear EnergyThe nucleus of an atom is the source of nuclear energy.

Слайд 15Nuclear Energy
When the nucleus splits (fission), nuclear energy is released

in the form of heat energy and light energy.
Nuclear energy

is also released when nuclei collide at high speeds and join (fuse).
Nuclear EnergyWhen the nucleus splits (fission), nuclear energy is released in the form of heat energy and

Слайд 16Nuclear Energy
The sun’s energy is produced from a nuclear fusion

reaction in which hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium nuclei.

Nuclear EnergyThe sun’s energy is produced from a nuclear fusion reaction in which hydrogen nuclei fuse to

Слайд 17Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is the most concentrated form of energy.

Nuclear EnergyNuclear energy is the most concentrated form of energy.

Слайд 18Mechanical Energy
When work is done to an object, it acquires

energy. The energy it acquires is known as mechanical energy.

Mechanical EnergyWhen work is done to an object, it acquires energy. The energy it acquires is known

Слайд 19Mechanical Energy
When you kick a football, you give mechancal energy

to the football to make it move.

Mechanical EnergyWhen you kick a football, you give mechancal energy to the football to make it move.

Слайд 20Mechanical Energy
When you throw a balling ball, you give it

energy. When that bowling ball hits the pins, some of

the energy is transferred to the pins (transfer of momentum).
Mechanical EnergyWhen you throw a balling ball, you give it energy. When that bowling ball hits the

Слайд 21Energy Conversion
Energy can be changed from one form to another.

Changes in the form of energy are called energy conversions.

Energy ConversionEnergy can be changed from one form to another. Changes in the form of energy are

Слайд 22Energy conversions
All forms of energy can be converted into other

The sun’s energy through solar cells can be converted directly

into electricity.
Green plants convert the sun’s energy (electromagnetic) into starches and sugars (chemical energy).

Energy conversionsAll forms of energy can be converted into other forms.The sun’s energy through solar cells can

Слайд 23Other energy conversions
In an electric motor, electromagnetic energy is converted

to mechanical energy.
In a battery, chemical energy is converted into

electromagnetic energy.
The mechanical energy of a waterfall is converted to electrical energy in a generator.
Other energy conversionsIn an electric motor, electromagnetic energy is converted to mechanical energy.In a battery, chemical energy

Слайд 24Energy Conversions
In an automobile engine, fuel is burned to convert

chemical energy into heat energy. The heat energy is then

changed into mechanical energy.
Energy ConversionsIn an automobile engine, fuel is burned to convert chemical energy into heat energy. The heat

Слайд 25Dark Energy???
Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that

permeates space and exerts a negative pressure, which would have

gravitational effects to account for the differences between the theoretical and observational results of gravitational effects on visible matter. Dark energy is not directly observed, but rather inferred from observations of gravitational interactions between astronomical objects, along with dark matter.
Dark Energy???Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates space and exerts a negative pressure,

Слайд 26 the different types of material that make up the

Dark matter-23%
Dark energy-72%

the different types of material that make up the universe.Atoms-4.6%Dark matter-23%Dark energy-72%

Слайд 27Types of Energy
Scale Factor Increases
Energy Density Falls
Expansion Rate Slows
Dark Energy

Factor Increases
Energy Density Stays Constant
Expansion Rate Grows

Types of EnergyScale Factor IncreasesEnergy Density FallsExpansion Rate SlowsMatterDark EnergyScale Factor IncreasesEnergy Density Stays ConstantExpansion Rate Grows

Слайд 28Dark Energy Only
Matter Only
Predictions for a Universe with only Dark

Scale Factor Smaller
Energy Density Larger
Expansion Rate Faster
Scale Factor Larger
Energy Density

Expansion Rate Slower

Scale Factor Smaller
Energy Density Same
Expansion Rate Slower

Scale Factor Larger
Energy Density Same
Expansion Rate Faster

Dark Energy OnlyMatter OnlyPastPresentPredictions for a Universe with only Dark EnergyScale Factor SmallerEnergy Density LargerExpansion Rate FasterScale

Слайд 29Dark Energy Only
Matter Only
Predictions for a Universe with only Dark

Scale Factor Increases
Energy Density Stays Constant
Expansion Rate Grows
Scale Factor Increases

Density Falls
Expansion Rate Slows


Dark Energy

Dark Energy OnlyMatter OnlyPastPresentPredictions for a Universe with only Dark EnergyScale Factor IncreasesEnergy Density Stays ConstantExpansion Rate



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