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Presentation Of Sofia Petrichenko

If I come home after a long absence , I will turn my attention to the city of Izobilny, which is located next to my village.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Presentation Of Sofia Petrichenko.

Presentation Of Sofia Petrichenko.

Слайд 2If I come home after a long absence , I

will turn my attention to the city of Izobilny, which

is located next to my village.
If I come home after a long absence , I will turn my attention to the city

Слайд 3In this place, especially the fact that I came here

very often, both on business and for entertainment . I

also finished my second school here .
In this place, especially the fact that I came here very often, both on business and for

Слайд 4This is a small city, even a small one. Its

population is also small

This is a small city, even a small one. Its population is also small

Слайд 5Roads in this city are different, where bad, where good

. But still, I saw more good roads. There are

few tourists in this city , so I don't know how they come and go.You can get used to this place quickly, I think.
Roads in this city are different, where bad, where good . But still, I saw more good

Слайд 6Since this is a small city, there is not much

that is interesting there . There are of course large

shops, parks , squares , a large square, there are two stages where concerts take place.In General, there is a place to walk and have a good time.
Since this is a small city, there is not much that is interesting there . There are

Слайд 7The type of housing people have here is completely normal

. Probably the same as many other people living in

other cities. And the architecture of these houses is also common . There are both apartment buildings and private houses .
The type of housing people have here is completely normal . Probably the same as many other

Слайд 8In the open air, you can gather in the city

center , on the square, in the Park . You

can sit on a bench in the shade, and in the warm season there are rides .There are various cafes where you can eat and relax. In General , we have places where you can have a good time.
In the open air, you can gather in the city center , on the square, in the

Слайд 9In their free time, people who live here can play

sports , go for a walk , go to a

movie, go to a cafe . Unfortunately, there is no theater here yet.
In their free time, people who live here can play sports , go for a walk ,

Слайд 10People earn their living here working in various jobs, and

it is also possible to do your own business ,

maybe even open your own company, if you want .
People earn their living here working in various jobs, and it is also possible to do your

Слайд 11There are several good schools in this city . But

there are no higher educational institutions . There is only

one institution where students can enroll on the basis of nine classes.
There are several good schools in this city . But there are no higher educational institutions .

Слайд 12For tourism, this city is too small , and besides,

it is not very interesting , but if someone visits

here, I would advise you to visit the city center, as this is the best place here.
For tourism, this city is too small , and besides, it is not very interesting , but

Слайд 13A newcomer to this city will not find anything strange,

because it is ordinary, like many small cities in Russia.

A newcomer to this city will not find anything strange, because it is ordinary, like many small

Слайд 14In this place, I really like the Park . I

like to walk it with my friends . It's hard

to say what I don't like about this city .
In this place, I really like the Park . I like to walk it with my friends

Слайд 15Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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