Разделы презентаций

Russian people national traits

Nationalitypatriotism, devotion to the fatherland, love for the motherland, fidelity to traditions

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Performed by
Alexandrova diana
Russian people national traits

Performed byAlexandrova dianaRussian people national traits

Слайд 2Nationality
patriotism, devotion to the fatherland, love for the motherland, fidelity

to traditions

Nationalitypatriotism, devotion to the fatherland, love for the motherland, fidelity to traditions

Слайд 3Hope for a brighter future
search for truth, justice, freedom, hope

for an ideal state

Hope for a brighter futuresearch for truth, justice, freedom, hope for an ideal state

Слайд 4Altruism
Russia as an example to other nations, ready to sacrifice

itself for the sake of others

AltruismRussia as an example to other nations, ready to sacrifice itself for the sake of others

Слайд 5Fatalism
humility with the fact that much will happen regardless of

the will and desire of a person, the belief that

nothing accidental happens in life
Fatalismhumility with the fact that much will happen regardless of the will and desire of a person,

Слайд 6Sentimentality
openness of emotions, pathos

Sentimentalityopenness of emotions, pathos

Слайд 7Conclusion
Russians are a very proud, self-confident people. But on the

other hand, Russians are deceiving, pretending, hiding in front of

Russians do not tolerate loneliness, it is a sociable people. In Russian life, relations with neighbors are still important - neighborly relations play an almost family role. Russians are characterized by such character traits as compassion, warmth, compassion.
ConclusionRussians are a very proud, self-confident people. But on the other hand, Russians are deceiving, pretending, hiding

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