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Should civil marriage be abolished?

Thesis statement:Civil marriage doesn’t guarantee couples legal security and also it affects children. However, there is point of view that civil marriage can help couples to know each other better.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Should civil marriage be abolished?
Tynyshbekova Kundyz

Should civil marriage be abolished?Tynyshbekova Kundyz

Слайд 2Thesis statement:
Civil marriage doesn’t guarantee couples legal security and also

it affects children. However, there is point of view that

civil marriage can help couples to know each other better.
Thesis statement:Civil marriage doesn’t guarantee couples legal security and also it affects children. However, there is point

Слайд 3I. Main idea (Topic sentence)
Many couples think that while living

with your partner without any registration, you will be protected

by the law.
I. Main idea (Topic sentence)Many couples think that while living with your partner without any registration, you

Слайд 4Supporting idea: Legal insecurity lead couples to incomprehension
1. Detail: There

is no law about cohabitation
2. Detail: No right to anything:

a) Property b) Children
Supporting idea: Legal insecurity lead couples to incomprehension1. Detail: There is no law about cohabitation2. Detail: No

Слайд 5II. Main idea (Topic sentence)
Civil marriage affects children

II. Main idea (Topic sentence) Civil marriage affects children

Слайд 6A. Supporting idea: Illegitimate children often are born prematurely and

feel themselves uncomfortable in future.
1. Detail: Affects children’s health
2. Detail:

Psychological issue
A. Supporting idea: Illegitimate children often are born prematurely and feel themselves uncomfortable in future.1. Detail: Affects

Слайд 7III. Main idea (Topic sentence)
Civil marriage allows young people

to find out their soul mate closer and decide whether

they approach each other.
III. Main idea (Topic sentence) Civil marriage allows young people to find out their soul mate closer

Слайд 8A. Supporting idea: Couples living in a civil union have

opportunity to make a strong relationship.
1. Detail: Civil marriage is

a kind of checking the reliability of men
2. Detail: Learn to keep the family budget
A. Supporting idea: Couples living in a civil union have opportunity to make a strong relationship.1. Detail:

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