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SIW Crohn’s disease

Crohn's disease - is a multisystem disease with a specific clinical picture, characterized by focal, asymmetric, transmural granulomatous inflammation, which affects primarily the gastrointestinal tract; but can also be manifested by

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Слайд 1SIW Crohn’s disease
Smagulova Aida, 463 GM
JSC Astana Medical University
Department of Internal

Diseases № 1
Professor Baidurin. S.A.
Done by:
Checked by:
Astana 2018

SIW Crohn’s diseaseSmagulova Aida, 463 GMJSC Astana Medical UniversityDepartment of Internal Diseases № 1Professor Baidurin. S.A.Done by:Checked

Слайд 2Crohn's disease - is a multisystem disease with a specific

clinical picture, characterized by focal, asymmetric, transmural granulomatous inflammation, which

affects primarily the gastrointestinal tract; but can also be manifested by systemic and extraintestinal complications.
Crohn's disease - is a multisystem disease with a specific clinical picture, characterized by focal, asymmetric, transmural

Слайд 4Etiology


Слайд 5Etiology
According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, between

5 and 20 percent of people who
have an IBD

have a first – degree relative with one. the risk is higher in Crohn’s than ulcerative colitis,
and higher when both parents are affected.

EtiologyAccording to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, between 5 and 20 percent of people who

Слайд 6Pathogenesis


Слайд 7The terminal segment of the ileum is most often affected


The terminal segment of the ileum is most often affected (85-90%)

Слайд 9Clinical manifestations. intestinal manifestations
1)growing pains in the right lower quadrant
3)diarrhea with

an admixture of blood
6)thickened painful terminal segment of the ileum


small intestine


a)General symptoms:

2)Intoxication syndrome
b)Local symptoms

1)stomach ache
3)pallor, dry skin
4)decreased muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall
5)palpation of the colon is painful

Clinical manifestations. intestinal manifestationsAcuteChronic1)growing pains in the right lower quadrant2)vomiting3)diarrhea with an admixture of blood4)flatulency5)fever6)thickened painful terminal

Слайд 10combined defeat of the small intestine and colon
localization in the

upper gastrointestinal tract
symptoms of terminal ileitis and
colon damage
ulcerative syndrome

of chronic gastritis and esophagitis
combined defeat of the small intestine and colonlocalization in the upper gastrointestinal tractsymptoms of terminal ileitis and

Слайд 11extraintestinal


Слайд 12Diagnostics
Complaints of patient
Physical examination
Laboratory and instrumental research

DiagnosticsComplaints of patientAnamnesisPhysical examinationLaboratory and instrumental research

Слайд 13Laboratory research
A biochemical blood test;
Coprogramme; admixture

of blood and mucus
Definition of HIV (differential diagnosis of diarrheal

Immunological status;
Fecal calprotectin can be recommended

Laboratory research GBA; GUA;A biochemical blood test; Coprogramme; admixture of blood and mucusDefinition of HIV (differential diagnosis

Слайд 14Changes


Слайд 15Endoscopic examination of the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract

and lower parts (ileocolonoscopy) is carried out to confirm the

diagnosis of IBD, to obtain tissue samples for morphological analysis for the purpose of differential diagnosis between UC and CD.
The presence of transverse ulcers, aphthae, limited areas of hyperemia and edema in the form of a "geographical map", fistulas with localization in any part of the gastrointestinal tract is characteristic of CD.
Ileocolonoscopy is the first line diagnostic method for the detection of terminal ileitis
Endoscopic examination of the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract and lower parts (ileocolonoscopy) is carried out

Слайд 16a - single aphthous lesions of the rectum b -

multiple aphthous ulcers found in colonoscopy c - characteristic linear

ulcers r - "cobblestone pavement" with a relatively small surface of ulceration
a - single aphthous lesions of the rectum b - multiple aphthous ulcers found in colonoscopy c

Слайд 17endoscopic scale of Crohn's disease

endoscopic scale of Crohn's disease

Слайд 18microscopic examination
granuloma with Langhans cells
NB! One of the significant microscopic

differences of Crohn's disease from ulcerative colitis is the spread

of inflammatory infiltrate to all layers of the intestinal wall (transmural nature of inflammation)
microscopic examinationgranuloma with Langhans cellsNB! One of the significant microscopic differences of Crohn's disease from ulcerative colitis

Слайд 19a) aphthous ulcers
b) “cobblestone pavement”
c) crawling ulcers
d) stricture of terminal


a) aphthous ulcersb) “cobblestone pavement”c) crawling ulcersd) stricture of terminal ileum



Слайд 23perforation
toxic colon dilatation
intestinal bleeding

perforationtoxic colon dilatationintestinal bleedingfistulasstrictureComplications

Слайд 24Complications


Слайд 25Treatment


Слайд 27Treatment


Слайд 28Secondary prevention of Crohn's disease
Measures of primary prevention of

IBD have not been developed.
The patient should follow the diet

throughout life. Also, such patients are advised to stop smoking and treat infectious diseases of the intestine.
With the preventive purpose, the same medicines are used, which are used to treat exacerbations of the disease, but in smaller doses (mesalazine at 2 grams per day, etc.).
 Regular consultations of the gastroenterologist. Should be visited every 3 to 6 months.
Timely treatment of relapse of the disease.
Secondary prevention of Crohn's disease  Measures of primary prevention of IBD have not been developed.The patient

Слайд 29Bibliography
Протокол № 23 от «25» мая 2017  года. Болезнь крона

[регионарный энтерит] (K50), Язвенный колит неуточненный (K51.9)
Диагностика болезней внутренних органов:

Т. 1. Диагностика болезней органов пищеварения: - М.: Мед. Лит., 2003 – 560 с

BibliographyПротокол № 23 от «25» мая 2017  года. Болезнь крона [регионарный энтерит] (K50), Язвенный колит неуточненный (K51.9)Диагностика

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