Разделы презентаций

Sport in the USA

Team sportAmerican footballBaseballIce hockeyVolleyballWater Polo

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Слайд 1Sport in the USA

Sport in the USA

Слайд 2Team sport
American football
Ice hockey
Water Polo

Team sportAmerican footballBaseballIce hockeyVolleyballWater Polo

Слайд 3American football
American football, known within the country as

simply football, has the most participants of any sport at

both high school and college levels
American football  American football, known within the country as simply football, has the most participants of

Слайд 4Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest annual sporting event held

in the United States

Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest annual sporting event held in the United States

Слайд 6Baseball
The World Series of Major League Baseball is

the culmination of the sport's postseason each October

Baseball  The World Series of Major League Baseball is the culmination of the sport's postseason each

Слайд 7Nowadays, known as ”Major League Baseball”,  it is the top-level

of professional baseball in the United States and Canada and

is one of the major professional sport leagues. It is made up of 30 teams -29 in the United States and 1 in Canada. A further distinction needs to be made between those teams. 14 compete in the American League (AL), and 16 in the National League (NL). 
Nowadays, known as ”Major League Baseball”,  it is the top-level of professional baseball in the United States

Слайд 9Ice hockey

Ice hockey

Слайд 10Ice hockey is another popular sport in the United States.

Originating from North America, the sport is commonly referred to

simply as "hockey
Ice hockey is another popular sport in the United States. Originating from North America, the sport is

Слайд 12Volleyball


Слайд 13Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of

six players are separated by a net

Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net

Слайд 15Water Polo

Water Polo

Слайд 16Water polo, or Water ball, is a team water sport.

The playing team consists of six field players and one

goalkeeper. The winner of the game is the team that scores the most goals.
Water polo, or Water ball, is a team water sport. The playing team consists of six field

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