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Тheme 6. Basic concepts and directions of the non-classical and post-nonclassical stage of history and philosophy of science The purpose of the lecture: a critical

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of Science Lecturer: Ainur Abdina - Doctor of philosophical sciences, Associate

Professor of Department of Philosophy

Astana 2018


Слайд 2 Тheme 6. Basic concepts and directions of the non-classical and

post-nonclassical stage of history and philosophy of science


purpose of the lecture: a critical analysis of the basic concepts of non-classical stage of scientific development

Тheme 6. Basic concepts and directions of the non-classical and post-nonclassical stage of history

Слайд 3 Plan:

Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schools.
The positivist tradition

in the philosophy of science.

Plan: Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schools.The positivist tradition in the philosophy of science.

Слайд 4Basic concepts:
The epistemology of neo Kantianism
Social and humanitarian knowledge
Verification principle

of falsification
The paradigm

Basic concepts:The epistemology of neo KantianismSocial and humanitarian knowledgePositivismVerification principlePrinciple of falsificationThe paradigm

Слайд 5Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schools
Kantianism - direction

of the German philosophy of the second half of XIX

- early XX centuries. The central slogan of the neo-Kantians was "Back to Kant!" Was formulated by Otto Liebmann in "Kant and imitators" (1865) in a crisis of philosophy and fashion of materialism.

Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schoolsKantianism - direction of the German philosophy of the second

Слайд 6Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schools
The neo-Kantianism distinguish

Baden school (Freiburg, south-west), to focus on issues of values

​​and methodology of the humanities, and Marburg school, primarily engaged in logical and methodological issues of the natural sciences.

Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schoolsThe neo-Kantianism distinguish Baden school (Freiburg, south-west), to focus on

Слайд 7Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schools
Baden school of

neo-Kantianism is associated with the names of Wilhelm Windelband (1948-1915)

and Rickert (1863-1939), which developed mainly issues related to the methodology of the humanities.

Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schoolsBaden school of neo-Kantianism is associated with the names of

Слайд 8Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schools
The famous neo-Kantian

Marburg school, which for decades has become a center of

attraction for philosophers of different countries, created by Professor Hermann Cohen of the University of Marburg.
Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schoolsThe famous neo-Kantian Marburg school, which for decades has become

Слайд 9Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schools
The key thesis

of the Marburg school was that all of the latest

discoveries in science and the nature of modern research activities are irrefutable evidence of an active constructive role of the human mind in all spheres of life. Mind, which is endowed with a man does not reflect the world, but, on the contrary, creates it.

Epistemology of neo Kantianism: Baden and Marburg schoolsThe key thesis of the Marburg school was that all

Слайд 10Positivism
Auguste Comte first described the epistemological perspective of positivism in

The Course in Positive Philosophy, a series of texts published

between 1830 and 1842. These texts were followed by the 1844 work, A General View of Positivism (published in French 1848, English in 1865).
PositivismAuguste Comte first described the epistemological perspective of positivism in The Course in Positive Philosophy, a series

Слайд 11Positivism
Comte's stages were (1) the theological, (2) the metaphysical, and

(3) the positive. The theological phase of man was based

on whole-hearted belief in all things with reference to God. Comte describes the metaphysical phase of humanity as the time since the Enlightenment, a time steeped in logical rationalism, to the time right after the French Revolution. The final stage of the trilogy of Comte's universal law is the scientific, or positive, stage. The central idea of this phase is that individual rights are more important than the rule of any one person.
PositivismComte's stages were (1) the theological, (2) the metaphysical, and (3) the positive. The theological phase of

Слайд 12Postpositivism
The main problem in the post-positivism - an explanation

of the development of science, the study of logic and

the growth of scientific knowledge. Its representatives are interested, first of all, the following questions: How does a new theory of how it is stated in the new community, what are the criteria for selection of competing scientific theories, etc.
Postpositivism The main problem in the post-positivism - an explanation of the development of science, the study

Слайд 131) postpositivists analyze the history of science (logical reconstruction of

the history of science), there is a desire to find

the universe - the foundation of the human mind through the history of science;
2) within the framework of post-positivism raises the question - what are the main factors of the development of science: internal or external?
3) postpositivists analyzes the dynamics rather than static science. If neopositivists raised the question of how to distinguish between philosophy and science, the postpositivists interested in the question of the real movement of science, what factors affect the science.
1) postpositivists analyze the history of science (logical reconstruction of the history of science), there is a

Слайд 14Karl Raimund Popper
- the founder of post-positivism.
Famous work "The

Logic of Scientific Discovery."
The basic concepts of

his conception of scientific knowledge are the following:
  problem of demarcation;
  principle of falsification;
  principle of fallibilism;
  theory of "three worlds".
Karl Raimund Popper- the founder of post-positivism. Famous work

Слайд 15Karl Raimund Popper
The problem of demarcation - one of the

main tasks of philosophy is to separate scientific knowledge from

unscientific. Method of demarcation, Popper, is the principle of falsification.
This principle requires falsifiability principle (falsifiability) any claim attributable to science.
Karl Raimund PopperThe problem of demarcation - one of the main tasks of philosophy is to separate

Слайд 16Karl Raimund Popper
Fallibilism principle asserts that any scientific knowledge is

only hypothetical and error-prone. The growth of scientific knowledge, Popper

is a nomination bold hypotheses and implementing their refutation.
Karl Raimund PopperFallibilism principle asserts that any scientific knowledge is only hypothetical and error-prone. The growth of

Слайд 17Karl Raimund Popper
The theory of "three worlds" - the theory

of the philosophical concept of Karl Popper, asserting the existence

of the first world - the world of objects, the second world - the world of subjects and the third world - the world of objective knowledge that is generated by the first and second worlds, but exists independently of them. Analysis of the growth and development of knowledge in this independent third world and is, according to Popper, the subject of the philosophy of science.
Karl Raimund PopperThe theory of

Слайд 18Thomas Kuhn
Author of the famous book "The Structure of Scientific

The most important concept of Kuhn's conception is the

notion of paradigm.
Paradigm is a set of scientific achievements recognized by the entire scientific community in a certain period of time.
Thomas KuhnAuthor of the famous book

Слайд 19Thomas Kuhn
The scientific community - a group of people united

by the belief in one paradigm. Become a member of

the scientific community can only accept and internalize its paradigm.
Science, developing within the framework of the modern paradigm, Kuhn calls "normal", believing that it is a state of science in the usual and most characteristic.
Thomas KuhnThe scientific community - a group of people united by the belief in one paradigm. Become

Слайд 20Thomas Kuhn
To emphasize the special nature of the problems,

developed by scientists at the normal period of the development

of science, Kuhn calls them "puzzles". Until the puzzle-solving is successful, the paradigm serves as a reliable tool for learning.
Thomas Kuhn To emphasize the special nature of the problems, developed by scientists at the normal period

Слайд 21Thomas Kuhn
Some problems of puzzle, despite the best efforts of

scientists, and not amenable to solution.
If the means of the

existing paradigm of the problem can not be solved, Kuhn calls this problem an anomaly.
When anomalies becomes very much there is a crisis in science.
Thomas KuhnSome problems of puzzle, despite the best efforts of scientists, and not amenable to solution.If the

Слайд 22Thomas Kuhn
Scientists are beginning to formulate hypotheses, claiming to be

the new paradigm.
During the crisis is over when one of

the proposed hypotheses has proved its ability to cope with the existing problems. There is a change paradigm, which Kuhn calls and the scientific revolution.
Thomas KuhnScientists are beginning to formulate hypotheses, claiming to be the new paradigm.During the crisis is over

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