Разделы презентаций

Study of Short Peptide Adsorption on Solution Dispersed Inorganic Nanoparticles

Preparation of 16 mM Dipeptide Stock Solution

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Study of Short Peptide Adsorption on Solution Dispersed Inorganic Nanoparticles

Using Depletion Method
Elena Korinaa, Sergei Naiferta, Roman Morozova,
Vladimir Potemkina,b, Oleg


a Nanotechnology Education and Research Center, South Ural State University, 454080 Chelyabinsk, Russia

b Laboratory of Computational Modelling of Drugs, South Ural State University, 454080 Chelyabinsk, Russia

Study of Short Peptide Adsorption on Solution Dispersed Inorganic Nanoparticles Using Depletion MethodElena Korinaa, Sergei Naiferta, Roman

Слайд 2Preparation of 16 mM Dipeptide Stock Solution

Preparation of 16 mM Dipeptide Stock Solution

Слайд 3Preparation of Peptide Dilutions

Preparation of Peptide Dilutions

Слайд 4Preparation of Titania Sole

Preparation of Titania Sole

Слайд 5Mixing and Thermostating

Mixing and Thermostating

Слайд 6Filtration of the Thermostated Samples

Filtration of the Thermostated Samples

Слайд 7Preparation of Derivatization Solutions

Preparation of Derivatization Solutions

Слайд 8Derivatization


Слайд 9HPLC Analysis

HPLC Analysis

Слайд 10Representative results

Representative results

Слайд 14Physico-chemical Constants of Ile-His Adsorption on TiO2
Table 1

Physico-chemical Constants of Ile-His Adsorption on TiO2Table 1

Слайд 15Conclusions


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