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Жертвоприношение Авраама (Бытие, Гл. 22) Текст с сокращениямиGod cwæþ to Abrahame: 'Nim þinne sunu Isaac, and far to þæm dunum, and geoffra hine þær uppan dune.'Þa aras Abraham on þære nihte,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Тексты для работы на семинаре

Тексты для работы на семинаре

Слайд 2Жертвоприношение Авраама (Бытие, Гл. 22) Текст с сокращениями
God cwæþ to Abrahame:

'Nim þinne sunu Isaac, and far to þæm dunum, and

geoffra hine þær uppan dune.'
Þa aras Abraham on þære nihte, and ferde mid twæm cnapum to þæm dunum, and Isaac samod.  Hie ridon on assum.  Þa on þone þriddan dæg, þa hie þa dune gesawon, þa cwæþ Abraham to þæm twæm cnapum þus: 'Andbidiaþ eow her mid þæm assum!'
Isaac bær þone wudu to þære stowe, and Abraham bær his sweord and fyr.  Isaac þa ascode Abraham his fæder: 'Fæder min, hwær is seo offrung?  Her is wudu.'  Se fæder cwæþ: 'God foresceawaþ, min sunu, him self þa offrunge.'
Þa comon hie to þære stowe; and he þær weofod arærde on þa ealdan wisan. Þa band he his sunu, and his sweord ateah. þa he wolde þæt weorc beginnan, þa clipode Godes engel arodlice of heofonum: 'Abraham!'  He andswarode sona.  Se engel him cwæþ to: 'Ne acwele þu þæt cild!'    Þa geseah Abraham ramm betwix þæm bremlum; and he ahof þone ramm to þære offrunge.

Жертвоприношение Авраама (Бытие, Гл. 22) Текст с сокращениямиGod cwæþ to Abrahame: 'Nim þinne sunu Isaac, and far

Слайд 3Из Англосаксонской хроники, I (ок. 872-892 гг.)
871. Hēr cuom sē

here tō Rēadingum on Westseaxe, ond þæs ymb iii niht

rīdon ii eorlas up. Þā gemētte hīe Æþelwulf aldorman on Englafelda, ond him þǣr wiþ gefeaht ond sige nam. Þæs ymb iiii niht Æþerēd cyning ond Ælfrēd his brōþur þǣr micle fierd tō Rēadingum gelæddon, ond wiþ þone here gefuhton; ond þǣr wæs micel wæl geslægen on gehwæþre hond, ond Æþelwulf aldormon wearþ ofslægen, ond þā Deniscan āhton wælstowe gewald.
Ond þæs ymb iiii niht gefeaht Æþerēd cyning ond Ælfrēd his brōþur wiþ alne þone here on Æscesdūne. Ond hīe wǣrun on twǣm gefylcum: on ōþrum wæs Bāchsecg ond Halfdene þā hǣþnan cyningas, ond on ōþrum wǣron þā eorlas. Ond þā gefeaht sē cyning Æþerēd wiþ þāra cyninga getruman, ond þǣr wearþ sē cyning Bāgsecg ofslægen; ond Ælfrēd his broþur wiþ þāra eorla getruman, ond þǣr wearþ Sidroc eorl ofslægen sē alda, ond Sidroc eorl sē gioncga, ond Ōsbearn eorl, ond Frǣna eorl, ond Hareld eorl; ond þā hergas bēgen geflīemde, ond fela þūsenda ofslægenra, ond onfeohtende wǣron oþ niht.
Из Англосаксонской хроники, I (ок. 872-892 гг.)871. Hēr cuom sē here tō Rēadingum on Westseaxe, ond þæs

Слайд 4Эльфрик. Житие короля Освальда (XI в.)
Æfter ðam ðe Augustīnus tō

Englalande becōm, wæs sum æðele cyning, Ōswold gehāten, on Norðhymbra

lande, gelȳfed swȳþe on God. Sē fērde on his iugoðefram his frēondum and māgum tō Scotlande on sǣ, and þǣr sōna wearð gefullod, and his gefēran samod þe mid him sīþedon. Betwux þām wearð ofslagen Ēadwine his ēam, Norðhymbra cynincg, on Crīst gelȳfed, fram Brytta cyninge, Ceadwalla gecīged, and wēgen his æftergengan binnan twām gēarum; and sē Ceadwalla slōh ad tō sceame tūcode þā Norðhymbran lēode æfter heora hlāfordes fylle, oðe þæt Ōswold sē ēadiga his yfelnysse ādwǣscte. Ōswold him cōm tō, and him cēnlīce wið feaht mid lȳtlum weode, ac his gelēafa hine getrymde, and Crīst him gefylste tō his fēonda slege. Ōswold þā ārǣrde āne rōde sōna Gode tō worðmynte, ǣr þan þe hē tō ðām gewinne cōme, and clypode tō his gefērum, 'Uton feallan tō ðǣre rōde, and þone Ælmihtigan biddan þæt hē ūs āhredde wið þone mōdigan fēond þe ūs āfyllan wile. God sylf wāt geare þæt wē winnað rihtlīce wið þysne rēðan cyning tō āhreddenne ūre lēode.' Hī fēollon þā ealle mid Ōswolde cyning on gebedum; and syþþan on ōðerne mergen ēodon tō þām gefeohte, and gewunnon þǣr sige, swā swā sē Eallwealdend heom ūðe for Ōswoldes gelēafan; and ālēdon heora fȳnd, þone mōdigan Cedwallan mid his micclan werode, þe wēnde þæt him ne mihte nān weod wiðstandan.
Sēo ylce rōd siððan, ðe Ōswold þǣr ārǣrde, on wurðmynte þǣr stōd. And wurdon fela gehǣlde untrumra manna and ēac swilce nȳtena þurh ðā ylcan rōde, swā swā ūs rehte Bēda. Sum man fēoll on īse, þæt his earm tōbærst, and læg þā on bedde gebrocod for þearle, oð þæt man him fette of ðǣre foresǣdon rōde sumne dǣl þæs mēoses þe hēo mid beweaxan wæs, and sē ādliga sōna on slǣpe wearð gehǣled on ðǣre ylcan nihte þurh Ōswoldes geearnungum.
Sēo stōw is gehāten 'Heofonfeld' on Englisc, wið ðone langan weall þe þā Rōmaniscan worhtan, þǣr þǣr Ōswold oferwann þone wælhrēowan cynincg. And þǣr wearð siþþan ānrǣred swīðe mǣre cyrce Gode tō wurðmynte, þe wunað ā on ēcnysse.
Эльфрик. Житие короля Освальда (XI в.)Æfter ðam ðe Augustīnus tō Englalande becōm, wæs sum æðele cyning, Ōswold

Слайд 5Среднеанглийский язык Стихи из графства Килдэр, Ирландия, XIV в. Сатирическая поэма “The

Land of Cokaygne”
1] Fur in see bi west Spayngne  Is a

lond ihote Cokaygne.  Ther nis lond vnder heuen riche  Of wel, of godnis hit iliche.  5] Thogh Paradis be miri and bright,  Cokaygn is of fairir sight.  What is ther in Paradis  Bot grasse and flure and grene ris?  Thogh ther be joi and gret dute,  10] Ther nis met bote frute;  Ther nis halle, bure no benche,  Bot watir man is thursto quenche.  Beth ther no men bot two,  Hely and Enok also; 
Среднеанглийский язык Стихи из графства Килдэр, Ирландия, XIV в. Сатирическая поэма “The Land of Cokaygne”1] Fur in

Слайд 615] Elinglich mai he go,  Whar ther wonith men no mo.

Cokaigne is met and drink,  With-vte care, how and swink.  The met

is trie, the drink is clere,  20] To none, russin and sopper.  I sigge for-soth, boute were,  Ther nis lond on erthe is pere,  Vnder heuen nis lond iwisse,  Of so mochil joi and blisse.  25] Ther is mani swete sighte,  Al is dai, nis ther no nighte.  Ther nis baret nother strif,  Nis ther no deth ac euer lif.  Ther nis lac of met no cloth,  30] Ther nis man no womman wroth.  Ther nis serpent, wolf no fox,  Hors no capil, kowe no ox,  Ther nis schepe, no swine, no gote  Ne non horwgh, la, God it wote. 

15] Elinglich mai he go,  Whar ther wonith men no mo.In Cokaigne is met and drink,  With-vte

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