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The best product of the 21 st century

Name of the new drink and our sloganWhen choosing the name, we were guided by the fact that the development team consists of three people, so we decided to call our

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Слайд 1The best product of the 21st century
Presentation made by Vychugzhanina

Natalya, Andreeva Elizabeth, Somova Victoria
Faculty of management, 1110 group

The best product of the 21st centuryPresentation made by Vychugzhanina Natalya, Andreeva Elizabeth, Somova VictoriaFaculty of management,

Слайд 2Name of the new drink and our slogan
When choosing the name,

we were guided by the fact that the development team

consists of three people, so we decided to call our beer «TRIO»
As for the slogan, it made us think about what we want to convey to the target market namely to the people over 18 years old

Name of the new drink and our sloganWhen choosing the name, we were guided by the fact

Слайд 3Design of the packaging
The idea of design came to our

minds quickly enough, but it took a long time to

create everything as it was intended.
We hope that the unusual design of our beer will be really eye-catching and effective so that sales can grow
Design of the packagingThe idea of design came to our minds quickly enough, but it took a

Слайд 4What media we are going to use to advertise the

To advertise our product well, we need to use all

the media platforms. It will provide us with the wide distribution and will catch the attention of the customers
What media we are going to use to advertise the drinkTo advertise our product well, we need

Слайд 5Special Promotion
We have a special Christmas promotion. Each modified print

will be sold at a 20% discount two weeks before

Christmas holidays and two weeks after
Special PromotionWe have a special Christmas promotion. Each modified print will be sold at a 20% discount

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