protection and recognition of local government;
state unity;
the equality of peoples on the territory of Russian Federation;
ideological diversity, multi-party political system.
The sovereignty of the people means its supremacy and sovereignty in all matters of state and public life. "The people shall exercise their power directly and through bodies of state power and local self-government" (Art. 2, Art. 3 of the Constitution).
The Constitution fixes the system of state legal institutions. Above all the institutions is the opportunity of direct dominion of the people (referendum, free elections, meetings, demonstrations, etc..), then goes the activity of public authorities elected by the people (the Federal Assembly, the President of the Russian Federation), as well as the functioning of the local government system (elections in representative and executive bodies, local referendums).
More detailed arrangements for the implementation of the national sovereignty are prescribed in other chapters of the Constitution (4, 5, 7).
The state system of the Russian Federation is built and operated according to the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial (Art. 10 of the Constitution).
The essence of this principle is to prevent the concentration of all branches of power in the same hands, the recognition of the independence of each of them in the exercise of their functions, as well as the creation of tools to influence the authorities at each other in order to deter them from abuse.
Constitution (Article 8) recognizes and protects equally private, state, municipal and other forms of property. Economic freedom is expressed in the possibility of people to use their abilities and property for entrepreneurial and not prohibited by the law of environmental activities (Art. 34 of the Constitution), the right to use their labor power (art. 37 of the Constitution).
Legal form of the instrument of the sovereignty of the people is the sovereignty of the Russian Federation is the supremacy and independence of the Russian state. The sovereignty of the Russian Federation extends to its entire territory.
The Russian Constitution and federal laws have priority on the entire territory of the Russian Federation (art. 4 of the Constitution).
2. The constitutional provisions on human rights and freedoms (Sec. 2 of the Constitution). Their specificity is a direct ban (Art. 2, Art. 55 of the Constitution) in the enactment of laws abolishing or diminishing the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. In addition, the Constitution establishes the limits within which the constitutional norms may be temporarily restricted ( Art . 55).
4. The remaining provisions of the Constitution, with increased legal force as compared to the ordinary laws.
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