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The Princess Switch Intermediate level

Warm-upWhat do you like doing at Christmas and New Year?Do you enjoy watching films on winter holidays? What films? What Christmas and New Year films did you watch last year? Which

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The Princess Switch
Intermediate level

The Princess SwitchIntermediate level

Слайд 2
What do you like doing at Christmas and New Year?

you enjoy watching films on winter holidays? What films?

Christmas and New Year films did you watch last year? Which one did you like most?
Do you know what Christmas and New Year films are coming out this year? Are you going to watch them?
Is there any special film that you watch every year on holidays? If yes, what film is it? What is special about that film?

Created by Veronika Avetisyan for Skyteach, 2019 © Pictures taken from Pinterest.com

Warm-upWhat do you like doing at Christmas and New Year?Do you enjoy watching films on winter holidays?

Слайд 3
Task 1
Match the pictures with the movies.
Jingle all the way

The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
12 dates of Christmas


Created Veronika Avetisyan for Skyteach, 2019 © Pictures taken from Pinterest.com





Task 1Match the pictures with the movies.a)Jingle all the wayHome aloneThe Nutcracker and the Four Realms12 dates

Слайд 4
Task 2
Watch the trailer of the film. Who says the

1. I think we were destined to

run into each other. Stacy/Margaret. 2. I want to switch places with you. Stacy/Margaret. 3. I am terribly sorry, it wasn’t very dignified. Stacy/Margaret 4.I guess I am a bit nervous with big contest coming up. Stacy/Margaret

Created by Veronika Avetisyan for Skyteach, 2019 © Pictures taken from Pinterest.com

Task 2Watch the trailer of the film. Who says the phrases?   1. I think we

Слайд 5
Task 3
Answer the questions
When did you watch “The Princess

Switch”? Did you go to the cinema or watch it

at home?
What do you think the main idea of the film is?
Who is your favourite character in the film? Why?

Created by Veronika Avetisyan for Skyteach, 2019 © Pictures taken from Pinterest.com

Task 3Answer the questions When did you watch “The Princess Switch”? Did you go to the cinema

Слайд 6
Task 4
Do the quiz.
When was “Princess Switch” released?

b) 2011
c) 2018

2) Who was the film directed by?
a) David

b) Mike Rohl
c) Errol Morris

3) Where was the majority of the film shot?
a) The USA
b) Romania
c) Canada

Created by Veronika Avetisyan for Skyteach, 2019 © Pictures taken from unsplash.com

4) Which actor didn’t take part in the film?
Cameron Diaz
Vanessa Hudgens
Sam Palladio

5)  On which book is the concept of two people who look identical and switch places based on?
The Prince and the Pauper
Stranger with my face

Task 4Do the quiz. When was “Princess Switch” released? a) 2008b) 2011c) 20182) Who was the film

Слайд 7
Task 5
Answer the questions.
What made Stacy change her mind and

take part in the contest?
Why did Margaret want to

switch places?
How did Olivia find out the truth about Stacy and Margaret?
What did Stacy (Margaret) and Prince do at the Charity Party?
How did Stacy (Margaret) and Prince help the children from the orphanage?
What present did Kevin give to Margaret (Stacy)?
How did the film finish?

Created by Veronika Avetisyan for Skyteach, 2019 ©
Pictures taken from freepik.com

Task 5Answer the questions.What made Stacy change her mind and take part in the contest? Why did

Слайд 8
Task 6
Discuss the questions.

Do you believe in Christmas miracles? Have

you ever experienced something incredible at Christmas?

Would you like to switch places with a famous person? Who with?
What would you do if you got up in the morning and found yourself in a castle of the king?
How would you spend your time if you became a prince or a princess for one day?
What makes ordinary people a prince or a princess? Is it only about huge castles and lots of money?

Created by Veronika Avetisyan for Skyteach, 2019 © Pictures taken from unsplash.com

Task 6Discuss the questions.Do you believe in Christmas miracles? Have you ever experienced something incredible at Christmas?

Слайд 9
Task 7
Read the quotations about princesses. Do you agree

with them? Why yes/why not?
You may be a princess

or the richest woman in the world, but you cannot be more than a lady. Jennie Jerome Churchill
You are a princess, destined to become a queen. Your own wondrous story has already begun. Your 'once upon a time' is now.  Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Young girls think they are princesses. Hermione also teaches that we have to also be warriors. Emma Watson

Created by Veronika Avetisyan for Skyteach, 2019 © Pictures taken from unsplash.com

Task 7 Read the quotations about princesses. Do you agree with them? Why yes/why not? You may

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