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The sights of kazan

Welcome to Kazan Kazan is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the Volga region. Kazan is a thousand-year-old city with rich and unique history. In 2005 the people

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Слайд 1The sights of kazan
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The sights of kazan Работу выполнилаУченица 10 класса КУСОШВалиева Адиля МБОУ «Камскоустьинская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

Слайд 2Welcome to Kazan
Kazan is one of the oldest and most

beautiful cities in the Volga region. Kazan is a thousand-year-old

city with rich and unique history. In 2005 the people of Tatarstan, Russia and the whole world celebrated its millennium anniversary.
Kazan is located in a very picturesque place. Two rivers — the Volga river and the Kazanka river, which played an important role in the history of the peoples of the country — meet here.
Thick forests with lots of animals, vast fields, big and small rivers and deep lakes with lots of fish make the nature of the Kazan area beautiful.
Lake Kaban, unique in its nature, «a mirror of clear water», is in the centre of Kazan. There are a lot of legends and mysteries connected with this lake.
Some of them are sad. The Bulak river (known as the Bulak canal) is very short. It is only 2 km long and stretches from Lake Kaban to the Kazanka Archaeologists are trying to find out more about the past and reconstruct the picture of the great city, to find out the information about the ways the people lived, about their customs and traditions.
Kazan is one of the most important economic centres of the Russian Federation. Large enterprises produce planes, helicopters, compressors, computer systems, optic, chemicals, clothes, consumer goods and so on.
It is one of the largest river ports on the Volga and also a large railroad, an automobile road and an air route centre.
Kazan is open to guests from all over the world. It’s great fun to visit Kazan.
Welcome to Kazan Kazan is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the Volga region.

Слайд 3The Kremlin
The Kazan Kremlin remains to this

day the very heart of the capital of the Republic

of Tatarstan — Kazan. The most unusual structure in the Kremlin complex is the Suyumbike Tower. It has become the architectural symbol of Kazan and is famous a long way from the Republic of Tatarstan. It is dear to our city, like the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great to Moscow, the Statue of Liberty to New York or the Eiffel Tower to Paris. The Kazan Kremlin reminds us of the role Kazan played in the long stormy history not only of Tatarstan and Russia, but of the Eurasian continent. The Kazan Kremlin has seen various changes and has always played the central role in the region. In the 10th century it was a small settlement. Its military and commercial role was developed from the 10th to the mid-13th century, when it became a fort. From the 13th century the Kremlin became the centre of the Kazan khanate.

It remained politically independent until 1552 when Ivan the Terrible recaptured Kazan. The old Tatar fortress was rebuilt as a Russian Kremlin. From 1708 the Kremlin became the centre of the first Kazan district of the Russian Empire. Kazan was then called «the third capital of Russia», «the fairest and best city of all Russia after Moscow and Saint Petersburg».

The Kremlin    The Kazan Kremlin remains to this day the very heart of the

Слайд 4Kul-Sharif Mosque
The mosque Kul -Sharif, the main mosque of the

Republic of Tatarstan was erected on the territory of the

Kazan Kremlin in the early 2000-ies. The opening of the mosque took place on 24 June 2005 and was dedicated to the 1000-anniversary of Kazan. Built mosque Kul -Sharif for 10 years mostly on donations, which (according to some estimates) have taken part more than 40 thousand of citizens and organizations. The designers of the new mosque has tried to recreate the main mosque of Kazan khanate, which was destroyed in 1552 by Ivan the terrible. It was named in honor of the last Imam Seid Kul Sharif. Kul -Sharif consists of three buildings: the mosque and two pavilions. The mosque can accommodate 1,500 people and the area in front of it - even 10 thousand people. The mosque complex includes a building of the mosque, the Museum of the history of the spread of Islam on the territory of the Middle Volga, a room for the wedding ceremony (nikah) and the office of Imam.

At the opening was announced to be the largest mosque in Europe, although it was not such on any of the indicators.
In the main hall of the mosque are the books that contain the names of all who had contributed their money (donations) for the construction of the mosque. Also in this room are of the gift edition of the Koran in different languages.

Kul-Sharif Mosque The mosque Kul -Sharif, the main mosque of the Republic of Tatarstan was erected on

Слайд 5The Suyumbike tower
The Suyumbike tower is one of the most

popular attractions in Kazan, along with all of the Kazan

Kremlin and the Kul Sharif mosque. However, its popularity is due not so much historical past as one attribute: the Suyumbike tower belongs to the falling towers deviation of the projection of the spire (the highest point of the tower) are almost 2 meters (1,98 m). Thanks to that the Suyumbike tower is popular not only among Russian tourists, but also very known all over the world. The Suyumbike tower is a seven-layer cone building, built of red bricks with a total height of 58 meters. It is located within the complex of the Kazan Kremlin in Kazan hill.

The Suyumbike tower The Suyumbike tower is one of the most popular attractions in Kazan, along with

Слайд 6In total in Kazan there are 34 state Museum and

several public and private galleries. The largest and most diversified

of them is the national Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, founded in 1894. The most valuable natural, archaeological, ethnographic and many other expositions are located in the main building of the Museum is the former Gostiny Dvor 1800-1815, buildings. In Kazan has the only in Russia, branch of the State Hermitage - the Hermitage-Kazan". Also one of the most popular museums of the town is the Museum of fine arts of the RT, representing their expositions in the former residence of General Sandercoe (early XX century), in the Kremlin gallery "hazine" and the bell tower of Epiphany Church. The large Museum complex operates in NCC "Kazan".
In total in Kazan there are 34 state Museum and several public and private galleries. The largest

Слайд 7Theatres
-Kazansky academic Russian big drama theatre. V.I.

Kachalov -Tatarsky State Academic theatre. Galiasgar Kamala -Tatarsky State Academic

theatre of Opera and Ballet. Musa Jalil -Teatrе of the Young spectator -Molodezhny theatre On Bulak -Tatarsky state theatre of drama and Comedy theater. K. Tinchurin -Ekiyat; puppet theatre -Theatrе dolls akiyat -Theatrе Kaleidoscope -Theatre Constellation

Theatres   -Kazansky academic Russian big drama theatre. V.I. Kachalov   -Tatarsky State Academic theatre.

Слайд 8Religious buildings
-The mosque of al-Marjani (XVIII century) -Galevska mosque (1798-1801) -The mosque

Nurulla (XIX century) -Azimovskaya mosque (XIX century) -Soltanovka mosque (XIX century) -Apanaev mosque

(XVIII century) -Burnaevskaya mosque (XIX century) -Zakabannaya mosque (XX century) -Madrassah of Muhammad (XIX century) -Peter and Paul Cathedral (1723-1726, architect unknown) -Old believers ' Church (XIX century) -The Church of the Vernicle (XVI century) -Catholic Church of the exaltation of the Holy cross (1858 year-old building, 2008 - new) -The zilanty-Uspensky monastery (founded in the XVI century) -Kazan Bogoroditsky monastery with admired and visited pilgrims list of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God -Kizichesky Vvedensky monastery (founded in the end of XVII century) -Bogoyavlensky Cathedral (founded in the XVII century) -Kazan St. John the Baptist monastery (founded in the XVI century, remained a large part of the ensemble of the
middle of XVII century) -Lutheran Church of St. Catherine (1862-1865)

Religious buildings -The mosque of al-Marjani (XVIII century) -Galevska mosque (1798-1801) -The mosque Nurulla (XIX century) -Azimovskaya

Слайд 9other sights worth visiting
Kazan Cat
Carriage of Catherine II
The monument to

the water carrier
The monument Kazan patron of the Asgat

other sights worth visiting Kazan CatCarriage of Catherine IIThe monument to the water carrierThe monument Kazan patron

Слайд 10The monument of the first tram Kazan
The Monument To The

"Mystery Shurale"
Commemorative arch (Red gates)
Statue Of Zilant
Memorable sign "Geographical centre

of Kazan"
The monument of the first tram KazanThe Monument To The

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