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ThemeN 2 The basic of medical statistics Dalia ali Group 161A


The medical statistics is a science which studies health of the population depending on social, economic, cultural, sanitary-hygienic, medical and biologic factors and has a goal of establishing tendencies of these

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

ThemeN 2
The basic of medical statistics

Group 161A.
ThemeN 2The basic

Слайд 2The medical statistics is a science which studies health of

the population depending on social, economic, cultural, sanitary-hygienic, medical and

biologic factors and has a goal of establishing tendencies of these dependences in conditions of activity of system medical care.
The medical statistics is a science which studies health of the population depending on social, economic, cultural,

Слайд 3The histogram

The histogram

Слайд 4The medical statistics studies:
1.0 Health of the population:

1.1 Demographic processes;
1.2 Morbidity;

1.3 Invalidity ;
1.4 Somatometry and determining of biochemical constants;
1.5 Mental health and psychometry.
The medical statistics studies:1.0 Health of the population:    1.1 Demographic processes;

Слайд 5
2.0 Conditions of an environment and people’s life styles:
2.1 Air;

2.3 Radiation;
2.4 Nutrition;
2.5 Material welfare;
2.6 Work and training;
2.7 Rest;
2.8 Behavior.

2.0 Conditions of an environment and people’s life styles:		2.1 Air;		2.2 Water;		2.3 Radiation;		2.4 Nutrition;		2.5 Material welfare;		2.6 Work

Слайд 63.0 Medical base:
3.1 Medical establishments ;
3.2 Health manpower ;
3.3 The

budget of public health services.

4.0 Activity of system of public

health services:
4.1 Ambulatory and polyclinics;
4.2 Hospitals;
4.3 Drugstores;
4.4 Social - medical activity.
3.0 Medical base:	3.1 Medical establishments ;	3.2 Health manpower ;	3.3 The budget of public health services.4.0 Activity of

Слайд 7The ways of formation of statistical integrity :


By volume

2.0 By time

3.0 By type

The  ways of formation of statistical  integrity :1.0 By volume2.0 By time3.0 By type

Слайд 8•For continuous variables (e.g. height, blood pressure, body mass index,

blood glucose)
•Measures of location
–mean, median…
•Measures of spread
–variance, standard deviation, range,

interquartile range
•For continuous variables (e.g. height, blood pressure, body mass index, blood glucose)•Histograms•Measures of location–mean, median…•Measures of spread–variance,

Слайд 9The plan and program of medico-statistical research includes:

1.0 Data collection:

1.1 A concentration and preservation of the data;

1.2 Data transmission.
The plan and program of medico-statistical research includes:1.0 Data collection:   1.1 A concentration and preservation

Слайд 102.0 Data processing:
2.1 Normalization (standardization) of the data;

2.2 Coding and grouping of the data;

2.3 Registration;
2.4 Calculation of average values, dispersions, errors;
2.5 Comparison, definition of a difference;
2.6 Correlation, regress, complex estimations.

3.0 The analysis of the data:
3.1 Survey, interpretation analysis;
3.2 The mathematical analysis: disperse, multifactor, initial, logistic, system, etc.
2.0 Data processing:		2.1 Normalization (standardization) of the data;    2.2 Coding and grouping of the

Слайд 11Registration and accounting medical documents can serve as programs of

medic-statistical research .
Medical-statistical research can be complete or selective.
Complete or

continuous research covers all observation units.
Selective research covers a representative part of the supervision units, which enables to evaluate phenomenon in whole.
Registration and accounting medical documents can serve as programs of medic-statistical research .Medical-statistical research can be complete

Слайд 12Research is of great importance. The territory strongly influences the

results of research.
The next question is time and term of

the research. Research can last constantly, that is to be current, to be carried out periodically, during certain time or to be one-stage.
Constant researches are: studying of natural movement of the population, periodic — studying of prevalence of chronic diseases, one-stage — population census, fixing of a condition of medical service
Research is of great importance. The territory strongly influences the results of research.The next question is time

Слайд 13After gathering the statistical data is being processed. This process

includes quantitative and qualitative check, coding and grouping of these

data. Quantitative check means check of correctness of statistical record of documents, qualitative — logic comparison of the data, for example, age and the diagnosis, age and employment, growth and weight of a body, etc. Later there is coding. To each quantitative or qualitative characteristic of the phenomenon certain code is given.
After gathering the statistical data is being processed. This process includes quantitative and qualitative check, coding and

Слайд 14Grouping may be a distribution of the data according to

quantitative or qualitative characteristics with the purpose of their analysis

Variable — is a quantitative or qualitative values of the concrete characteristic of the phenomenon, for example, newborn can have length of a body 47, 48, 49, 50, etc
An absolute value — the number which characterizes the phenomenon in its absolute (arithmetic) value.
A relative value — a number which characterizes the relation of one value to another and can mean a part, frequency or a ratio of one number to another. An absolute value — the number which characterizes the phenomenon in its absolute (arithmetic) value.
Grouping may be a distribution of the data according to quantitative or qualitative characteristics with the purpose

Слайд 15Table 2.1

A variation line

Table 2.1               A

Слайд 16The range is the difference between the highest and lowest

values in a series.
1.The range is used to measure data


2.The range provides no information concerning the scatter within the series.
The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values in a series.1.The range is used

Слайд 17Statistical totality will consist of elements, which have identical characteristics

and represent an object of the statistical analysis. For example,

in research of demographic problems of the country by statistical set there will be all of its population; in research of the stationary aid — hospitalized patients.
General statistical totality includes all elements of research.
Selective statistical totality contains a part of general totality, which represents all of its elements. It should to be selected from general statistical set to give the same chance to get in sample to each statistical unit.
Statistical totality will consist of elements, which have identical characteristics and represent an object of the statistical

Слайд 18Statistical unit (unit supervision) submitted by an element of which

there is a statistical set (for example, a person, a

family, a newborn, a pregnant woman, a patient with ischemic heart disease , etc.
Statistical attribute is a general property for all units, which is studied during statistical research, for example, studying of weight, growth, disease in newborn etc.
Statistical index is the statistical value which makes it possible to characterize the phenomenon.
Processing the statistical data and the formation of statistical tables allows understanding the researched phenomena better.
Statistical unit (unit supervision) submitted by an element of which there is a statistical set (for example,

Слайд 19Statistical tables are breadboard models, which will consist of columns

and lines on which crossing statistics data are placed.

There are

simple, group and combined tables.
Statistical tables are breadboard models, which will consist of columns and lines on which crossing statistics data

Слайд 20Table 2.2 Number of medical establishments in the area (the simple


Table 2.2 Number of medical establishments in the area (the simple table)

Слайд 21Table 2.3 Territorial distribution of medical establishments in the area

(the group table)

Table 2.3 Territorial distribution of medical establishments in the area (the group table)

Слайд 22The average value characterizes the phenomenon in one way. It

is much more frequently applied in the statistical analysis —

an average term of stay of the patient in bed, average spaciousness of hospitals, etc.
The dispersion from average value shows variability (fluctuation) of an individual cases in relation to average value.
The average error displays the relation of the statistics received at selective research, to a parameter of continuous or complete research.
Parameters of correlation and regress are used for definition of functional, causal relationships between two or more characteristics.
The average value characterizes the phenomenon in one way. It is much more frequently applied in the

Слайд 23Extensive parameters characterize the structure of statistical totality .

Intensive parameters

display frequency of the phenomenon in the environment, indicate its

Extensive parameters characterize the structure of statistical totality .Intensive parameters display frequency of the phenomenon in the

Слайд 24 Relative and average values and their reliability
In medical

statistics themselves the following kinds of relative parameters are used:

Relative intensity;
Visualization ;
Relative and average values and their reliability In medical statistics themselves the following kinds of relative

Слайд 25
The extensive parameter or a parameter of distribution characterizes a

parts of the phenomena (structure), that is it shows, what

part from the general number of all diseases (died) is made with this or that disease which enters into total.

The general formula of its subtraction is the following:
part × 100
common number

The extensive parameter or a parameter of distribution characterizes a parts of the phenomena (structure), that is

Слайд 26The intensive parameter characterizes frequency or distribution. It shows, how

frequently the given phenomenon occurs in the given environment.


formula of the calculation is the following:

phenomenon ×100(1000;10 000;100 000) environment
The intensive parameter characterizes frequency or distribution. It shows, how frequently the given phenomenon occurs in the

Слайд 27Parameters of relative intensity represent a numerical ratio of two

or several structures of the same elements of a set,

which is studied.

The parameter of visualization characterizes the relation of any of comparable values to the initial level accepted for 100.

Parameters of relative intensity represent a numerical ratio of two or several structures of the same elements

Слайд 28The parameter of correlation characterizes the relation between diverse values.

General formula of the calculation is the following:

phenomenon ×100(1000;10

000;100 000) environment (which doesn’t produces this phenomenon)
The parameter of correlation characterizes the relation between diverse values. General formula of the calculation is the

Слайд 29Direct method of index standardization is conducted in five stages:


I. Calculation of intensive indices in compared


Stage II. Choice and calculation of standard

Stage III. Calculation of “expected” figures in every
group of standard.

Stage IV. Calculation of standardized indices.

Stage V. Comparative of simple intensive and
standardized indices, conclusion.

Direct method of index standardization is conducted in five stages:Stage I. Calculation of intensive indices in compared

Слайд 30Thank You for your attention!!!

Thank You for your attention!!!

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