Разделы презентаций

TIME TO TRAVEL Get started Do all the tasks correctly, get the

Chloe __________ TV every evening.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Get started
Do all the tasks correctly,
get the

equipment and
become a real

TIME TO TRAVELGet startedDo all the tasks correctly, get the necessary equipment and become a real CAMPER!

Слайд 2Chloe __________ TV every evening.

Chloe __________ TV every evening.

Слайд 3_______ he get up at 6 o’clock?

_______ he get up at 6 o’clock?

Слайд 4_______ they wash the dishes after meals?

_______ they wash the dishes after meals?

Слайд 5We ____________ lots of books.

We ____________ lots of books.

Слайд 6Dad ______ go to work by bus.

Dad ______ go to work by bus.

Слайд 7_____ John and his wife watch TV?

_____ John and his wife watch TV?

Слайд 8I ________ lots of water.

I ________ lots of water.

Слайд 9Paul and his friends _____ fly
a kite on windy


Paul and his friends _____ fly a kite on windy days.

Слайд 10_____ Tim go outside in the evenings?

_____ Tim go outside in the evenings?

Слайд 11_____ pupils catch the bus to school?

_____ pupils catch the bus to school?

Слайд 12____ they go to bed at 9 p.m.?

____ they go to bed at 9 p.m.?

Слайд 13You have become
A real camper!!!

You have becomeA real camper!!!Congratulations!

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