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Truth or lie

It the text 5 people are mentioned.In the text 6 people are mentioned.In the text 3 people are mentioned.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Truth or lie
«Arrangement in the black and white»

Truth or lie«Arrangement in the black and white»

Слайд 2It the text 5 people are mentioned.
In the text 6

people are mentioned.
In the text 3 people are mentioned.

It the text 5 people are mentioned.In the text 6 people are mentioned.In the text 3 people

Слайд 3Answer:
In the text 6 people are mentioned.

Answer:In the text 6 people are mentioned.

Слайд 4The main character was wearing a hat.
Round the hair of

the main character was twined a rose.
Round the hair of

the main character was twined pink velvet poppies.
The main character was wearing a hat.Round the hair of the main character was twined a rose.Round

Слайд 5Answer:
Round the hair of the main character was twined pink

velvet poppies.

Answer:Round the hair of the main character was twined pink velvet poppies.

Слайд 6The host was very talkative.
The host was calm.
The host was


The host was very talkative.The host was calm.The host was aggressive.

Слайд 7Answer:
The host was calm.

Answer:The host was calm.

Слайд 8The main character asked the hostess to introduce her to

The main character asked the hostess to leave her and

Walter alone.
The main character asked the hostess to find her a boyfriend.
The main character asked the hostess to introduce her to Walter.The main character asked the hostess to

Слайд 9Answer:
The main character asked the hostess to introduce her to


Answer:The main character asked the hostess to introduce her to Walter.

Слайд 10Walter Williams is an artist.
Walter Williams is a dancer

Williams is a singer.

Walter Williams is an artist. Walter Williams is a dancerWalter Williams is a singer.

Слайд 11Answer:
Walter Williams is a singer.

Answer:Walter Williams is a singer.

Слайд 12The main character haven’t the slightest feeling about coloured people.

main character considers that communication with colored people is strange.

main character is always doing things for them.
The main character haven’t the slightest feeling about coloured people.The main character considers that communication with colored

Слайд 13Answer:
The main character hasn’t the slightest feeling about coloured people.

Answer:The main character hasn’t the slightest feeling about coloured people.

Слайд 14For the main character the origin of a person is

For the main character is important what kind of person

is inside.
For the main character is important the color of the person.
For the main character the origin of a person is important.For the main character is important what

Слайд 15Answer:
For the main character is important what kind of person

is inside.

Answer:For the main character is important what kind of person is inside.

Слайд 16When meeting with Walter, the main character
Kissed him
Hugged him
Shook his


When meeting with Walter, the main characterKissed himHugged himShook his hand

Слайд 17Answer:
Shook his hand.

Answer: Shook his hand.

Слайд 18The main character called Catherine Burke an wonderful actress.
The main

character called Catherine Burke a great friend.
The main character called

Catherine Burke a nigger.
The main character called Catherine Burke an wonderful actress.The main character called Catherine Burke a great friend.The

Слайд 19Answer:
The main character called Catherine Burke an wonderful actress.

Answer:The main character called Catherine Burke an wonderful actress.

Слайд 20Burton is a

Burton is aFriendHusband Brother

Слайд 21Answer:

Answer: Husband.

Слайд 22Be careful while reading!
Kayudina Kristina

Be careful while reading!Kayudina Kristina

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