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Use these words to complete the sentences: few, a few, little, a little They

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleI’m quite busy. I have _________ important things to do.a few

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

They had ________ money when they got married, but

they survived.


Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleThey had ________ money when they

Слайд 2Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

I’m quite busy. I have _________ important things to


a few

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleI’m quite busy. I have _________

Слайд 3Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

He’s very lonely, he has ________ friends.

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleHe’s very lonely, he has ________

Слайд 4Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

We’ll have to hurry, we have very ________ time

to get to the station.


Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleWe’ll have to hurry, we have

Слайд 5Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

I speak _________ Russian, but not much.
a little

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleI speak _________ Russian, but not

Слайд 6Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

Take this aspirin with _________ water and you’ll feel


a little

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleTake this aspirin with _________ water

Слайд 7Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

There were _______ people when we arrived, the place

was quite empty.


Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleThere were _______ people when we

Слайд 8Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

Jane makes very ______ mistakes when she speaks French.

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleJane makes very ______ mistakes when

Слайд 9Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

After just one week, Sheila had already made quite

__________ friends.

a few

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleAfter just one week, Sheila had

Слайд 10Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

Our neighbours are going away for _________ days next


a few

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleOur neighbours are going away for

Слайд 11Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

We took _________ photos of the garden yesterday.
a few

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleWe took _________ photos of the

Слайд 12Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

I’ll have to go to the bank, I’ve only

got __________ money left.

a little

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleI’ll have to go to the

Слайд 13Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

I speak French and ___________ Italian.
a little

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleI speak French and ___________ Italian.a

Слайд 14Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

Linda left _________ minutes ago.
a few

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleLinda left _________ minutes ago.a few

Слайд 15Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

Would you like ________ cream in your coffee?
a little

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleWould you like ________ cream in

Слайд 16Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

My parents drink very __________ wine, they don’t like



Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleMy parents drink very __________ wine,

Слайд 17Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

There are _______ English restaurants in France, they’re not

very popular.


Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleThere are _______ English restaurants in

Слайд 18Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

We needed ________ time to think things over before

making the decision.

a little

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleWe needed ________ time to think

Слайд 19Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

We’re going on holiday with ________ friends this year,

not just the two of us.

a few

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleWe’re going on holiday with ________

Слайд 20Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

Hurry up. We’ve got _________ time before the plane



Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleHurry up. We’ve got _________ time

Слайд 21Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

There are _______ buses here in the evenings so

most people use their cars.


Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleThere are _______ buses here in

Слайд 22Use these words to complete the sentences:
few, a few, little,

a little

We’ve been to Italy quite _________ times now, we

love it.

a few

Use these words to complete the sentences:few, a few, little, a littleWe’ve been to Italy quite _________

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